Positive vs. Negative

I am going to steal an idea from my buddy over at Awesomeness Inc, while putting my own twist on it of course.. haha. *sticks tongue out*

I got a comment about a post I wrote yesterday and this person managed to pull out a negative point in a post that was strictly supposed to be happy and nothing else? So I started thinking about myself and was wondering, "am I really posting negative things and writing about mind numbing ideas that make people get down?"

I don't think so? I mean tell me if I am wrong, but my main goal is to write awesome things and to give you guys something to munch on for a mid-lunch snack while you are working at the office or babysitting some crazy monkeys? (don't know what it is that you do.. you see I'm guessing)

So it got me thinking further about negative vs. positive. I think you need to have a positive mindset to even see the positive parts in a piece of writing, and if you have negative thoughts already flowing in your head, you will only be able to pick out the negative parts. Sounds simple and logical right?

I mean I try to wake up like my buddy 'A.I.' and I try to say "today is going to be a great day!" everyday I wake up. I mean I think I probably smile in my sleep and that's the way I like it. I like that happiness is contagious and that I can spread it like a disease.. haaha (watch out) You better all catch it too. If one of you walks away with a smile after reading about something good or about a thought you got from here, then I am stoked. (tell me about it, I would love to hear)

But on the other side of it if you are one of those chronic negative people, and I know you all just thought of someone you know that is negative 90+ percent of the time you see them, then I don't have time for you. I can handle a little negativity here and some there, but if you are throwing it in my face every waking minute I see you then I don't have the time for you. I mean if I could help I would, but these people really don't want help, they just want to be miserable to let the whole world know it. (please do the rest of us happy normal people a favor and leave us alone)

Here, I have a 24/7 awesomeness proposal for you. Try it! I want you to try to be happy even when shitty things happen, look at the good side for once. Look at the fact that you should be happy that you even woke up this morning, because you know and I know not everyone woke up from last night. And think about positive thoughts for a day, and this starts from the moment you get up... look in the mirror while brushing your teeth and say "today is a good day" just do it, just try it..

.. be awesome!



  1. Negative? Really? I don't think I've read anything negative on here whatsoever. I can't find it. The only slightly negative thing was about being sick, but who doesn't feel awful when they are sick? And you rounded that out by saying that you were "still kicking" and making funny references to Chernobyl (in that case, hopefully Aarwangen is still in existence!)

    I'd be curious as to what here was referenced as being negative. The whole tone (seems light-hearted to me), or a specific entry (the sick one?).

    I've read stuff that I haven't necessarily agreed with, but nothing negative. And it's good to read stuff that you don't agree with - you either can gain new perspectives this way (or just have a lot of fun arguing).

  2. bamer:

    man you got me cracking up over here. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks like this, sometimes I think I'm crazy lol.


    Being able to disagree gracefully is an art. The trick is to try to understand, even if you don't agree...

  3. Oh, I always try to understand what's going on or the point of view. The best lawyers always find out what the other side says to strengthen their own case. This was something I learned in Speech Team.

    Should something be said with tact or gracefulness? I don't necessarily think so. Most of the formative acts in our history which lead to progress come from acts of rebellion.

  4. Nah A.I. you aren't crazy in fact I love the way you think, you sure you're not a girl.. haha. :P

    Love the feeling and vibes that you put our and I try to do the same everyday. I have yet to disagree with you it's actually

    Anyways, Gust I totally agree with you and that I like to argue too, but you're alot more experienced at it. *sticks tongue out* haha..

  5. ***takes peak between legs***

    Yeah buddy. 100% man.


    lolol...I hope girls read that.

  6. I just laughed out loud.. haha ;P