Story Telling

I used to love to listen to stories as a kid, sitting there on the edge of the bed and waiting for dad to come in to tell me a story. It didn't matter if it was about castles and kings, or if it was about his day at work and what he had done. In fact sometimes he came in and read moby dick to me, and even though I couldn't much understand it, I was content.

I start to wonder why I was content and what it was that made me so happy at a young age, even when I didn't understand half of my dad's stories in their entirety. Even now when I think about the tales of moby dick and cap'n Ahab, I get a little smile because they bring me back to when I was a kid again. And this made me start to think about why I liked the stories so much? And that's when it occurred to me that I didn't necessarily like the stories at all, but rather the story teller.

The story teller in this case was my dad, and it didn't really matter what he was sayin' or what part of the story he was talking about, but it was important that he was taking the time out at all to tell me one. And not only that, but he would tell the stories with vivid emotion and noticeably high differences in voice tone. He cared, and he was going to try and make me get 'into' his story, regardless of all the big words in that book which stretched far beyond my years at that time.

This act of telling a story, by my dad, would serve a far better purpose than only to entertain me at a young age before bedtime. I now know that it served a purpose to show me how to story tell and how use your hands, facial expressions and voice to get across your meaning in an extremely interesting way. It showed me that you need to believe in what you are saying, and to believe in yourself to best get your information across to your listener. Even if your listener is a 6 year old boy.

This lesson would be something that I have found is far more valuable now then I ever realized when I was 6 years old. I need to tell multiple stories to multiple people everyday, and because I had a great teacher, I can now myself tell great stories. Being a good story teller can help you in so many ways. Getting your point across has never been easier, and to be honest, telling stories is a lot of fun. I think I actually get more joy out of telling a story than the person listening to me that is laughing away.

You will come across many people in your life and you will find yourself in many situations where you will be listening to stories or telling them. These people will have interesting and unique stories to tell and you will learn and gain a lot from. And in this same time you will have many stories to tell as well and you will want to give your listeners the most information in the best possible way. So why not become a good story teller? Do your audience and friends along the way a favor and practice your story telling. You will be able to have that much more of an effect on your listeners and they will be greatly appreciative as well.

*raises glass of juice*

Here's to the story teller in you...

A little chuckle...

So I was just chillin around and pretending to be Superman and fly around the city, like I normally do, when I decided it would be cool to stop for a second and catch my breath. When I was sitting there thinking of something to do I started to get hungry so I figured I would fly my happy a$$ to a local restaurant. Seeing as I had already saved a couple of chics in a shopping mall earlier, and I felt like I owed myself one. The place I ended up stopping at was a McDonald's, of course, and I decided to get a big mac and fries at the drive through window. The lady first decided to argue with me and told me I couldn't order without a car through the window, but then she quickly realized I was Superman and promptly handed me 4 big macs and strawberry shake. I was stoked. She told me the apple pie I wanted was in the bag...

..So I left and headed home. By the time I got there I had already eaten 3 of the sandwiches and scarfed down the shake. I was looking to eat the last sandwich and get to my much anticipated apple pie when I realized that the lady who had taken my order screwed it up. There was no apple pie in the bag. wtf?!? Now I'm mad and wondering what to do? Should I go back? Should I just forget about it, because it's only a $0.99 apple pie? Or maybe I should call 911 and complain to them? Surely they could fix it right?

Well you might laugh a bit at my last option of calling 911 to get my apple pie back, but you would be surprised at how real of a option that sounds like to some people.

I read an article on CNN today about a guy who called 911 to complain about not getting an O.J. put into his bag when he went through the drive through at a local McDonald's. I got a bit of a chuckle out of this and I figured I would share it.

But before I do, I wanted to know what could possibly go through your head to make you want to call the police over a screwed up McDonald's order? And these are the few possibilities I could come up with:
  1. He was stoned out of his mind and had the munchies

  2. It was a mild attempt at a prank, which didn't turn out well

  3. He was that stupid and thought that the EMERGENCY people would help him the fastest

  4. He dialed the wrong number?

Can you think of anymore reasons?

Here is the link below. Check it out yourself.


A deep breath.. the relaxing sound of nothing but a cool breeze in the background, as it bounces along, on a beautiful afternoon.

Laughter.. the feeling of being happy, if only for the pure reason that you can be.

Chilling.. when you can sit there and clear your mind of all thoughts, even if the moment is ever so brief.

Relax.. the part of the day that comes after everything else is completed, and you feel so good about your accomplishments, that you would rather sit there in your chair then to move and ruin the moment.

The words above are just reminders that we need to take time out once in awhile and breath, laugh, chill and relax. Regardless of how much time you currently contribute to your personal well being, be assured that the more time you do give back to yourself, the better your life will be.

So go ahead and throw yourself a bit more relaxation and breathing time. Believe me that your ‘future self’ will thank you for it.

The word “No”

I read a piece on this word by another fellow blogger and liked his ideas so much, that I figured I would throw my 2 cents at trying to explain this word as well.

This word is complex and tricky at best. It has a ton of different meanings and that’s not too bad, considering it’s only 2 letters long. This word is best described as misleading and confusing at times and I will explain what I mean.

This word was taught to us at a young age, we learned that no means just that, “no”. End of story. If mom or dad says no, you only have a few choices. One is to whine like an idiot and try and get them to change their minds, but this normally results in further agitation and the same response and a swift smack on the head from mom. Or you can just except it for face value, like we are taught to, and say, “ok” as you walk away with your tail between your legs.

“No” is a word that gets different meanings attached to it as we grow older though. And I hate to say it, but mostly these other connotations are added by women. (Ok I am lying, I don't hate to say it, haha) We start to realize as we are going through high school and into college that “no” actually means “yes” to some girls. Like “no, you can do that.” Which most of us know that if it’s accompanied by a ‘lip biting gesture’ then it really means “Yes, please do that, I actually like it a lot.”

So then we, “we” being males, start to push the boundaries and always go through a “no” like it’s a “yes.” And this works great for most of us, especially for the duration of college. I mean we have been trained by women to go further when hearing this queue. But then there comes a time where we get thrown a curve ball and a “no” is supposed to mean an actual “no” again. We bite her ear or nibble on something a bit too hard, she says “no” and we go harder…. Oops. You can’t really blame us can you? I mean you taught us...

So why do girls do that to boys? Is it because some girls don’t actually know what they want? They climb on you one minute and kiss you almost uncontrollably and then tell you “no” the next minute and actually mean it. What gives? And I know any girl reading this has definitely done this before, you can’t deny it. It’s the meanest trick in the book. I mean what would you do if a guy played the game called, “just the tip, just for a minute, just to see how it feels” with you? I am sure you would go nutz on him. But don’t ask why any guy would do that? Unless for payback.. muwahaha!

Either way I think life would be better if girls didn’t expect us guys to be mind readers. I mean we sometimes have trouble working the television and drinking a beer while listening to you talk. Just playing, but seriously I can’t concentrate when Sportscenter is on?

I'll pass...

So I recently got the worse thing imaginable for a human to get, something I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. I don't know how many of you out there have had this before, but it sucks and there isn't really anything you can do to prevent it, because it revolves around trust that each and everyone of us extends to someone else. (100% of the time actually)

Can you start taking a stab at what I;m thinking of yet?

Can you think of something that some of us do on a daily basis, and in fact all of us do this at least a few times a week, and we hardly ever know the person in which we put so much apparent trust in? That is essentially behind it.

I will give you a hint that will surely give it away, unless you already guessed it? And what this unimaginable thing has to do with is ..... FOOD! Specifically food from a restaurant or fast food joint. Somewhere we have to pay for it and trust the people making it that it is safe and good to eat. Why do we put this trust in these absolute strangers? Is it because we have no choice or is it because that's the way society has set it up? (If you want to eat away from home this is the only way to do it.)

Either way, take an extra glance at what goes in and out of your mouth next time and make sure it's cooked and prepared to YOUR standards. No need to risk it, trust me!

Because I recently got food poisoning from a local diner (actually the last 2 days) that I frequent often and probably over 100 times in the last year alone. They even know me and recognize me when I come in, but yet you still have to check whats set in front of you, no matter how hungry you are.

Just a word to the wise as I hope all of you can avoid this.


We are crazy?

I was reading an article about a guy by the name of Scott Parazynski today, and it started to make me realize just how nuts/cool/crazy some of us are. There are a lot of us out there that do unimaginable things and simply love it. We try to be completely original or do something no one else has done or tried before. Hence the reason the “Guinness book of world records” is so massive and growing every year. But hey, more power to ya if you’re one of them crazy mo fo's, even if you are a few monkeys short of a barrel.

So Scott Parazynski is an ex-astronaut that has been to the moon, in space, etc many times. (That in itself is crazy if you ask me) And he just recently left NASA to pursue something a tad bit different. During his ‘next trip’, Parazynski is combining his two passions of space and climbing by conducting astrobiology research. (I know what your thinking, that was your dream too..) And he wants to do it in one of the craziest places ever.

Mount Everest.

Yep, he isn’t going to climb a nice mountain in the Rockies or go climb a plateau in South America, he wants to climb the biggest frickin’ mountain in the world, the one that’s as close to outer space as you can get without a rocket ship. Makes sense, eh? Well I guess it’s a little ironic to say the least.

"We're looking for evidence for life in the extreme," he said. "Things that can live in the harshest environments on Earth may be the kinds of things that once existed on Mars or other planets."
Really? You really want to go climb up there to conduct some research and find out if shjt can live there? You know how many people have died climbing that thing? I mean I would settle for a beer and Sunday night football, but whatever. Gotta get your thrills.
All I can say is good luck! Hope you find what your looking for and come back with all your limbs, etc.

There is more to this store and you can read it here; But this is what made me think about how crazy/cool/interesting we are as a whole. We got these cool people flying to the moon and in outer space and we have people like Jacque Cousteau and Scott Parazynski that are trying to find things that aren’t supposed to be found. Crazy, but yet still cool at the same time and I applaud these people, however crazy they may be, for doing these things. (Because we both know it will make a sweet National Geographic series later, I mean none of you can say you hate animal planet, deadliest catch, etc. right? Haha)

Anyways, I like that we are all different and were all given varying sets of skills to work with, it makes us diverse and unique. And we both know that this will only help us evolve as a society. *crosses fingers* Either way it’s fun to think about where we were a long time ago as a race, a society, a species and where we are today.
I think we progressed..?

Most Contagious

The most contagious thing in the world... do you know what it is? Have you ever given this some thought?

What was the first thing you just thought of? Just now as I asked this question?

If you are like the majority of people, I am sure the first thing you thought of was a cold, flu or something bad. But why is that? Why did the thoughts of something negative pop into your mind first? (I don't really know either..) I mean go type in "most contagious" on Google and you will get a million hits for diseases and colds. It's crazy... So don't feel bad that you thought about it first as well.

I mean this could be because the word 'contagious' means, according to Webster's dictionary, 1: communicable by contact 2: bearing contagion 3: used for contagious diseases 4: exciting similar emotions or conduct in others. By these definitions, nothing positive is even mentioned until #4, the last one. And #1 and #3 are referring to something that you can 'catch', like a disease. So our own dictionaries are telling us it's bad before it's good, technically, right?

But that's not what I want to get at, and either way it doesn't matter, because I am going to tell you what I think is the most 'contagious anything' in the world. And the first thing I thought of when I asked myself this question. (Possibly even a few of you have guessed what I am about to say already?) And that is... ..

...a smile. YEP! That's it. Simple eh?

The most contagious thing in this world is a smile. Just think about it for a second. Think about how many times you smile in a day and then think about how many times you laugh in a day. If you are a happy camper, then you smile quite often. Which is great! And when you smile you pass it along. It hops from one person to another until it's filling the whole room that you're in, just like a "contagious virus", err... umm.. almost. :)
These little smiles are like gifts we give each other. It's like saying, "thank you for being my friend" to everyone that you enjoy, and are happy around. The best part about these gifts though is that they are quick, simple and free. We are always looking for something that can keep up with us and how fast we move, and quick we need it. Well here you go, here is one thing that will be able to hold up to your daily grind... I promise, so go ahead and use it more.

And just to prove to you that it's contagious, I am going to show you a few examples of smiles, and I bet at least one of them will make you smile back at it. ;) (click on the images to make them bigger)

Hope you have a happy Tuesday.

Life Referees

So who is reffing this game called "Life"?

When we were children growing up, it was mom and dad who were there to 'ref' you and watch over us at all times. They made sure to pick us up when we fell and dust the dirt off. They fed us our favorite meals and told us bedtime stories. They told us when we needed to be home at night and what was accepted and/or expected of us at all times.. But mom and dad aren't around forever and there is a gradual weening period where we have to start fending for ourselves.

Some people start the road to maturity and independence earlier than others, but either way we all need to get there sometime. We all need watch out for ourselves and make the right decisions without the help of referees from the side lines. When this happens though is up to you, but either way it's inevitable.

Some of us flourish without people helping us while others flounder in the water, always looking around for the next helping hand, just to keep their noses above. I agree we all need help from time to time to get anywhere in this life, but you also need to be able to stand on your own two feet as well, even if it's only for a few minutes here and there.

There are many good feelings that come with standing up by yourself though. Like when you accomplish an extremely lofty goal after months of trying. You get the feeling of accomplishing something by yourself, with no one else's help, which is the biggest 'high' ever. It's like a splash of fresh water when your standing under the sweltering sun. It's great! And it makes you want that feeling to last and to come back again soon.. (and it will)

"Life referees" are going to always be there, but use them seldomly, and when you need them let them know you appreciate them. (For example: Mother's Day, I hope you all gave your mothers a call??) But more importantly show them that you can do everything on your own, and that will be the biggest reward you could give. And that's when this cycle starts over again....

As you get older and become a very active member of society and start your own family, you then in turn, become a referee as well and you will love it. (I know I am making up some new rules, Muwahaha) And you get to share your experiences with others and see the other side of the street. I can only imagine what a trip that will be.. haha!


What a drug...

..the things that alcohol can do to you, that make you wish you didn't remember. And most of the time you don't remember, if you drink enough of it, except that your best friends will never let you live down that ugly girl you kissed or that guy computer nerd that you danced with.

The things that alcohol can make you do.. *laughing to myself* It can make you invincible and make you think that no one can hurt you. (most often found in guys) Or it can make you extremely emotional.. (I know everyone knows a girl who is like this) It affects everyone differently. So much so that no one drinks or needs the same amount to reach their desired level of... well lets call it 'happiness'.

Take me for example. 2-3 beers and I am feeling great! Give me 4-5 and I am already wasted and looking for a garbage bin or scoping out the nearest toilets. My tolerance level is that of a 12 year old girl on her period drinking for the first time. It's crazy. And I am not a little guy at all, 6'1'' and 230 lbs. Then I look across the room at my buddy hitting on a girl, that is drunk, and is somewhere in the range of cute and horribly ugly.. all the while he is on his 6th vodka red bull and shows no signs of stopping. Unbelievable at the range of tolerances people have no matter their shape or size. All that really matters is their 'training' they have had previously.

When you are drinking the things that will come out of your mouth, faster than R. Kelly buying front row tickets to a Hannah Montana concert, are hilarious. You are normally the last one to tell "insert name" that she is wearing the ugliest shirt ever, but put a little Jack Daniels in you and you meet that girl at the front door with 3 other people and proceed to point and laugh... Why do we do that?

With alcohol, no one can have just 'one' glass either. We have to at least feel the buzz, before we stop. Because that's about the point when we feel frisky and look at our significant other with 'fu _ck me eyes and the point where we think we can still drive and not act too stupid. Although the definition of 'too stupid' is quite open for discussion as well.

Alcohol can make a quiet person talk, a loud person shut up, a stone-faced man cry and make you say things you didn't even know you were capable of. Alcohol is the biggest excuse for screw-ups ever. I mean it's at least worth a shot as a last resort as to why you did something stupid and ended up with a tattoo last night.

Alcohol, what a drug.

Everyone tries you, everyone pukes you up eventually, but they always come back for more.

Just some random Saturday evening thoughts.


Too much of a good thing?

Can you have too much of a good thing?

I mean too much ice cream gives you a stomach ache.. and if you decide you want to eat it too fast, well then your brain literally freezes.

Too much food and you get fat, too much alcohol and you throw up.

Too much sleeping and you get more tired than when you went to bed, and if you stay in the bathtub too long you turn into a prune. wtf?

I mean it seems there isn't al ot of truth to the saying, "You can't have too much of a good thing.." I guess the person who made this quote up never had 3 or more sisters growing up. I had the experience of living in a sea of estrogen and I couldn't swim. Sucked at times, but at least I got the experience of how to deal with women at a young age right?

Anyways, here is the question I am trying to get at. There might be one thing you can't get enough of..? Or at least some people would argue you couldn't. And that is SEX. Yep I said it, can you get enough sex, like really turn it down because you had so much or is it not possible?

I think you can get enough, whats your opinion?