The Feeling of "New"

Just a short tidbit today, but I wanted to talk about the feeling you get inside when you get, see or touch (for that matter) something new. But to make things simple we will talk about 'new' in the sense of a 'thing' or an object.

It's great, you get excited even before you have this thing in your hands. You can't stop smiling and you get all giddy and happy. Maybe this thing was something that you have waited for, for a long time. Maybe it was something that happened to a be an impulse buy and you are waiting on the shipping guy to stop at your door with the delivery. Either way it's new and you are excited.

This thing can't seemingly be in your hands fast enough and you can barely contain yourself, not to mention you have probably already told all your friends about it. Twice!

But when this thing comes and you can see it for the first time, you are so happy it's almost unbelievable that an object/toy/thing can cause you so much joy. For once you don't care much about being materialistic, because what the hell, you deserve it and you wanted it. And now it's finally here. The waiting is over, the anticipation has finally come to a halt and you are ecstatic.

You get your thing and immediately you deem it the 'coolest thing ever' and you go around and show all your friends. They think it's cool too, but they are more or less just happy that you are so happy. Almost to the point that they giggle and point at you. Whatever.. you don't care, it's yours and you are happy, so that's all that matters. Muwahahaha!

Usually things of this nature don't happen often and fall into the less meaningful more need than a want category. But when these new things come along... it's awesome.

So without talking about it further, here is my 'new' thing. (below) :D <---- they don't make these smiley faces big enough.

Love your 'new things'!

A simple word

A simple word that so many people on this earth forget. It's a word that means alot and people sometimes only need to hear it. I think the world would actually be a heckava lot better if it was used more, and that word is "Thanks."

We do things for others all the time, and other people do tasks and little things for us as well, but we need to remember to say thank-you to these people. It's so simple and it's so easy to say it, and more often than not it's the only thing that your friends or family want to hear after doing something for you.

So why, may I ask, do we forget to say it?

I don't know? Sometimes I think it slips our minds and we are in a rush and have 15 other things going on at the same time, but for whatever reason, we forget it. This is a horse shjt reason, but you see what this can start if you do forget? The person ALWAYS remembers that you didn't say 'thanks' or that you didn't seem grateful for the thing that you accomplished for them. And that's a big problem. It's a downward spiral. Maybe after the first time they let it slip, maybe even a few times they continue to help you when you need it, but eventually they will realize that you 'take them for granite' and they will dispose of you or move on, or even worse, simply stop doing anything for you and stop being someone you can rely on. (meaning you simply lose something solid to stand on that you had obviously become a bit dependent on at times.)

And this all started from one little word, one tiny phrase which carries enormous weight when you look at it from the side of what happens when you DON'T say it.

So say it more often than not. Say it 3 or 4 times when someone does something for you. It's better to say it too many times, (even though I think that's impossible) than to say it, not enough times. The people around you need to know that you appreciate them and everything they have done for you. All the time sacrificed or money spent, etc. So let them know.. They will be happy to hear it.

I promise.
[end rant]

Knockin it out of the park

You ever get that feeling of ecstasy, that moment when you know you just rocked out at something. Maybe you just scored the game winning goal for your hockey team or you just aced an exam? Or maybe you just cooked a kick-ass meal and everyone i s congratulating you on a wonderful meal? Who knows, but either way you get an immediate 'high' following these moments. A feeling that you just killed it, and knowing that there was no one else who could have done it the way you just did.

These feelings are great and a bit empowering. You get overtaken with emotion and it feels good. You want to share your test score with your friends and let them know how proud of yourself you are, and if they care they will be ecstatic with you and be overjoyed right next to you. And this just only intensifies the 'high'.

When you know you did something to the max and it feels good, then share it with the people around you and remember how it feels so you can visit that feeling again soon. Pat yourself on the back and let yourself know that it was a good day. And most of all smile, because these moments don't come along often. That is of course unless you simply kick-ass all the time.

Just a quick note, keep rockin out..!

Personal Brand: You

First off, I love this topic, and I would like to point out that all of us at times are either building or tearing down our own personal brand, all the time. But what we need to learn is, not how to tear or destroy it, but how to continue building it and creating more equity and trust in ourselves, from other people's point of view, which will create a stronger brand, "YOU." I also like to encourage people to build their personal brands as well. But before I get into it, I need to explain what our personal brand is?

Your brand is your reputation, as seen through the eyes of your 'clients', etc. A personal brand is a promise of the value your clients will receive. (Clients can be your friends, family, business related, or just about anyone you meet) In an amazingly complex and competing world--where it's increasingly hard to know what's real and what's not--having your customers not only acknowledge but support the promise of your brand is the key to building a thriving business or personal brand.

Who cares? Why do we build a personal brand anyways, what is it good for? Well these are good questions or questions that people may ask or want help with answering the 'why question'. Below is a list of why we try to build a brand:

Brands have a number of strategic functions, enabling you to:
  • - Differentiate yourself from your competition, it creates a unique YOU.
  • - Position your focused message in the hearts and minds of your audience, friends, etc. Let them know what they are getting when they are friends with you.
  • - The way you act and react to people should reflect your personal brand.
  • - Deliver your message clearly and quickly, it shouldn't be 'murky' as to who you are.
  • - Create strong loyalty with your friends and family, they know what to expect from you every time no matter what.

If you establish a place of trust and relevance in others' minds, you're already in the door. The more people that believe in your brand (believe in you), the more it will spread throughout your network, etc. without your pushing. If your brand is clear, distinctive, and easily understood, and expresses a unique, compelling benefit that people believe in, it will bring you many people towards you, business related or personal related.

To summarize what I mentioned above, I want to say that building your own personal is something we do everyday anyways. We constantly 'give off' who we are and what we are about. This in and of itself is good, but are we doing it in the best way? Most probably not.. There is probably a few things that you could change, also that you want to change, that would make appear and be seen the way you should be as well as want to be seen. You want to be seen as trustworthy, honest, caring and efficient. So show yourself that way. Make sure you are always punctual and on time, courteous to others and always give 110% regardless of what it is that you are doing in your life. Take every task as an opportunity to showcase who you are and what your made of. Build the brand "you" will only help you in the future and make others see you the way you should be seen.

So go ahead and build the "new YOU!"

Idiot of the year

Here is a quick compilation of idiots, just for your viewing pleasure.

I don't want to talk about this too much, but a friend of mine brought to my attention, this very crazy tattoo. And I don't know if I laughed more at the tattoo or how dumb the girl was that got it? I guess you can be the judge? (on the left, I think this monkey eats bananas)

And if that wasn't enough, look at this genius. I don't know how nor do I care much, but I know that this can't be healthy? And it can't feel good can it? wtf? Definitely another candidate for idiot of the year. Please can I tattoo my eye? (look below on the right)

And just for your viewing pleasure to make you squirm in your seats a bit. I know I did when I saw this pic. Discalimer: never play with a fire cracker, I know we were all taught this at a young age, but I guess some people don't really listen? And most certainly, never play with one and put it in your ass... (I just started laughing while writing that.. haha) moron.. (Check out below.)
So who wins out of these 3 candidates? You pick?

Be Different

Raise your hand if you want to be a completely normal person?

I bet no one even thought about taking a finger off of their mouse. This is maybe because you looked at ‘normal’ in a bad way and not a positive way. Or it could have been because we haven’t defined what ‘normal’ is yet.

Let’s create a quick definition to define the word normal. Normal is someone who follows and blends in with the crowd. They never really standout especially if they don’t have to. Their life is good, no financial problems, have a wife, maybe kids, but all-in-all it’s relatively bland. (or ‘safe’, for you normal people out there reading, haha)

Now with that definition in mind we can start to look at why people probably didn’t want to take their hand off of their mouse when asked if they were normal.

Why is that, is it because no one wants to be like someone else? No one wants be thought of as a follower. Especially because a leader receives a lot more praise and recognition. Who knows, could be the reason, but that’s not my point that I want to get at.

What I really want to say is being different is cool, and being unique (IMO) is the best. Don’t go out and try to put on the most crazy shjt ever, out of your closet, but be happy in your own right. Be yourself and no one else. Be different, because god knows we aren’t all the same. And if you want to get technical, we are not even close. I mean, I for example, look nothing like my dad. (But damn, the postman looks like my twin, lol) Nah just playing… sort of.

Anyways, just a random rant to all the people who, either are different and love it, or to the posers who try to be different. Big hint to the latter group, it ain’t gunna work. Us original people will be able to pick you out in a heartbeat, we know the fakes. So take off the 15 color shirt and the messed up jeans with the stolen cap, we know. You do it for the wrong reasons, and that’s to get attention. The real originals just are. We don’t mimic or copy, we just do.


Managing Expectations

“Managing Expectations”

Life can be completely characterized by this one concept, about this one piece of advice. But how can these 2 words above, possibly help you daily? How would you go about tackling this one phrase day after day after day? I will try and explain what I am getting at as you read further.

What I mean by this is that we need to manage many things in our lives; we are constantly juggling 10 or more tasks from day to day. On top of these daily tasks we are dealing with monthly goals and career or long term choices and decisions as well. These choices and decisions that we need to manage seem to never end and continually pile up. And this frustrates us at times, but we can’t turn face and let them be, we need to go at them head first and trudge through them. Or if you are good at managing expectations you seemingly glide over them. But, here comes the question, how do you do that?

How do you manage your expectations?

How do you get the tasks, work and goals in your life completed? And not just completed but in a relatively quick time period and done well and professionally?

Example: You are expected to get this big presentation done by the end of the week, and you know it will take a lot of time and effort to get it done, but you are not sure how much time you will be able to spend on it, as you are already spread pretty thin as it is with current projects. So what do you do?

Simple, you manage your expectations. You get done with your most important projects first and you go from there. You start with that presentation as it seems to be the hardest thing on your plate and the one project that has a specific deadline and has the biggest weight behind it. Then work your way down, and by doing so this will accomplish a few things for yourself in the process. First: You will get the most complex and mentally trying task out of the way first and ensure that it gets finished before the deadline. Secondly: you will guarantee that all the tasks that you do therein after will be easier and go by more quickly than the first as it was the biggest and hardest for you. And third: you will be happier as it always feels good to get the hardest things done first. It is always better to “eat your toads” first. (Toad = hardest task from every day on your to-do list) Think of the flip-side, if you start with the easy things then work to the hard ones, you will be dreading the end of your day everyday, which doesn't sound like much fun does it?

So don't do it that way.

Juas a couple of quick notes: Manage what is expected from you. Manage your projects and prioritize them accordingly from high to low. Always meet your expectations and when time and space permit it, exceed those expectations. Especially as you get more practice with this, because you will eventually get extremely good at it and be able to take on more and more with less and less stress. Trust me.

Till later, Caio-

Summer Time

I know it's that time of year again where it warms up and you are starting to get your tan on and stay outside for extended periods of time. So I figured I would put together a quick compilation of tell tale signs that summer has truly arrived. Feel free to add to this list.

How to tell if Summer is here:
  1. The local swimming pool is full with old people. You know summer is here when you go to your local outdoor swimming park/pool or whatever and you find an abundance of 70+ year old people out there in their speedos tanning away. When you're 70 you make absolutely sure it's hot outside before going to the pool, I mean you don't want to freeze.

  2. Skirts are out and loving it. Summer is here when you go outside and half the women have skirts or some sort of other "less than pants" attire on. Shorts and skirts start to be seen all over the place, ohh so nice.

  3. Smells of a BBQ are out. You know when you leave work and you drive home and as you pull into your neighborhood you roll the windows down and catch a strong scent of a passing BBQ going on... mm... I almost want to stop by. I mean you know they have beer, right?

  4. Long nights. This time of year the sun seems to never want to go down. You find yourself outside at 9-10pm at night, but yet it still feels like 6. Why go in when you can stay out?

  5. Brighter clothing. Agree with me or not on this one, but I see a noticeable difference in colors in the summer as opposed to the winter. Bright greens, yellows, etc. are seen regularly.

  6. Tops down, music up. I see alot more people with their convertible tops down and alot more kids with their music blaring as loud as the speakers will let them.

Ok now your turn. What makes you think of summer?? Something new that you notice during this time of year?


Question: Have you ever seen the television show Entourage?

Subsequently it’s my favorite show and a few of my friends have even assumed some of the character’s nicknames because we watch it so much. (In fact I can’t wait for the new season to come out, this summer if you’re wondering.)

So anyways, there is an episode in there about people better known as “furries.” If you have seen this show you know where I am going. Well these furry people are special people with fetishes to dress up and act like animals. Many common ones are rabbits, squirrels, and the like. They will dress up and reform sexual acts and do other random things while in “costume.” However the following story below tells you about one furry dude who took it too far.

In reference to this story and this guy who is a furry, I just wanted to ask you why people do things like this and how do realize this about yourself? When do you wake up one day and say, “damn I wish I could dress like a rabbit and act out foreplay with another person of the opposite gender (hopefully) who is also dressed up in an animal suit?” I laughed when writing that actually.

Anyways, sorry for the random thought and the even more random article, but I found this too bizarre to not write it on the blog.
