What is College? Part 2

So here's what I like to call the 'should I have 1 more?' scenario in college It's a scenario that I am sure happened to you 5 or more times...:

You are chilling at your dorm watching your favorite episode of family guy, grubbing on a piece of cold pizza from last night that didn't get eaten. (rarely does this happen) The door is locked and you are drinking just one beer and you look down at your watch and see it's 11:30pm so you're going to call it a night and get to bed early. I mean why not, it is Thursday after all and your bed looks as comfy as a dorm bed can look..

..Then you hear the *knock knock* at the door and it's your best bud and 3 or 4 other guys behind him saying your name and begging you to go out with them for 'thirsty Thursdays' at sally's steakhouse/bar & grill/strip club shack. That's when you can either accept or ... yeah accept. Either way you're screwed because you know they won't leave without you.

You quick turn off the T.V. and throw on your pants and buckle your belt as your telling them to hold the fu** on. You can't really decide what shirt to wear, nor did you actually care 5 minutes ago, but nevertheless it takes you a good 4 minutes to grab one and throw some gel in your hair along with shoes that probably don't match. "whatever, who cares..." you mutter to yourself as you open the door and your friends 'high 5' you and then proceed to tell you that you're driving because they have no gas in any of their cars. (go figure right?)

You pile 5 guys into your little 4 person Oldsmobile 88' and head off to the bar. On the way there you find yourself screaming the lyrics to Nirvana, cranked up until the speakers feel like they are going to blow, and this is the point that you start to think "it will be alright.. just a quick couple drinks and out... whats the harm? I love my buddies!"

You pull into Sally's and everyone piles out and starts to point at the 3 hot girls that are exiting the bar.. err wait, I mean the 1 hot girl and 2 ugly friends. (don't ask why this is the case) Then you proceed to enter where you see it's basically packed and you quickly realize that you know practically everyone there. It's going to be a great night, could even possibly find a cute girl!

You order a beer, after all it's $2.00 taps and all you can eat $5.00 wings.. but before you even get to taste your first beer your buddy comes from behind you and puts a shot of Bacardi 151 with Tabasco in front of you and the others. (prairie fire shot) You try to refuse, but that's to no avail as you decide to knock it back anyways, especially because the girl across the bar is looking at you. At this point you're not sure if she is cute.. hmm..

So you down a few more beers, take a couple more shots and chow down on wings until you want to literally burst. But whatever, you are feeling good despite the fact that you can't stop burping and your shirt looks like you dropped half a bottle of ketchup on it because the wing sauce was so runny.

This is when you get some guts and go over to see if that girl you spotted earlier was hot or not. I mean after all she was checking you out right? So you make it over there and after making a complete fool of yourself you proclaim she is ugly anyways in front of all her friends you stumble back to your side of the bar. You're a bit mad when you sit down, but whatever you got your buddies there, and low and behold there is another shot coming your way.

This time it's a shot of Tequila and you don't really want it and start to ask yourself should I take 1 more? But after getting called a pus** 5 times by your buddies you decide to knock it back, I mean what harm can it do?

Man were you wrong... the next thing you remember is you trying to slur some words about puking all over yourself and how a girl on the other side of the bar you talked to earlier wanted your number and you want to go see her again. The next parts get a bit sketchy. You remember waking up with your head out the window twice. Once at a stoplight and the next time as you are going through a neighborhood. The taste of puke is still on your breath. You're starting to regret that 'last shot' you decided to take because you wanted to prove your buddies wrong and show them you can drink the most without throwing up. Then you pass out again.

You finally open your eyes laying on your side in the fetal position because the sun is up and shining down on your face. Man does that suck, so you jump in your bed all the while wondering how the heck you made it back to your room and who drove your car home last night? fu** it, you are too tired at this point to care about your car keys, or the fact that you are completely naked and freezing because you had no blanket around you. That's when you pass out again.

You wake up again and it's 6:30pm on Friday evening. You didn't make it to any classes and you just remembered you had a quiz in chem class today too. You rub your eyes and stand up. Still naked you stumble around your room looking for your towel to take a shower with, you find it and head to the bathroom. Someone laughs at the sight of you on the way there, but you pay no attention to it. You get in the bathroom and look in the mirror, and that's when you realize you have permanent marker all over your face and you are missing one eyebrow because it got shaved off the night before. "Fu**!"

First you think "whatever" but then those feelings quickly turn to anger as you swear to get your buddies back. After the shower you think to yourself that you will NEVER DRINK ALCOHOL again because you see what happened last time... (that last phrase is one you will say a 100 times in your college career)

..You go back to your room and lay down and turn on family guy and proceed to watch the next episode, but that's when you hear it again.. *knock knock* "Come on buddy lets go get drunk again!" You quickly swear at them and tell them to go away, knowing damn well that they will be back again to harass you.
You start to fall asleep again, as you're completely hung over, but then start to realize that it is Friday after all. And who stays in on a Friday? .. haha...
(and so it start again)


And this is the vicious cycle of college drinking. But whatever you only live once right? So go out and drink a beer and make a fool of yourself, while swearing never to drink again the next day.

So lets hear it... you have any stories of college that won't ever be forgotten because they were embarrassing of just plain bad a_ss? :D


Confidence part #1

The most attractive trait on a male, picked by women: CONFIDENCE.

Confidence is something that needs to be developed and worked on to achieve, we just don't magically have it over night. It takes a driven personality to consistently push and persevere through all situations. A 'chin up' approach to life. There is a dash of bravery in there and experience only adds to the pie. You need a bit of all to make the recipe for confidence work for you.

You need to make a choice and follow through and succeed and win. You don't go looking to add confidence, instead you live your daily life and follow through and complete your goals and confidence will be a bi-product of your success. Yes I just said you are getting a 2 for 1 deal here.

Confidence is something that gets better with consistently finishing the race, but not ONLY finishing but doing well. I mean why not win the race and see how you feel afterwards. I bet you will feel like superman after he saves the world and gets the girl. (Yes there is always a girl.. haha) You need to prepare for the race though, you can't just show up and expect to do well, you need to practice and train, and be mentally prepared for the bumps along the way. And why do we put ourselves through these races anyways? Because most of us love the challenge and want to succeed, nothing is much sweeter than the taste of victory or feeling of accomplishment.

I mean what did you feel like after you graduated high school or college? Relief? Confident that you finished? Happiness? I mean whatever it is you felt it was certainly a good feeling and one that is addicting and one that you want to visit again soon. And the more you do it and the more you succeed, the more your confidence will soar... believe me... I know this first hand.

You can't let life happen, you have to go out and make it happen. You have to wake up in the morning and say, "today is great and I am glad to be alive"then walk to the bathroom and say, "I can't wait to do X, Y and Z..." and after that make yourself some awesome waffles to get you started on the right track. Be proactive and go out and 'get it'...

This new added confidence you have will only make you that much more awesome. You will be able to get that guy or girl (or at least talk to her finally) and you will be able to start a race without the worry of wondering if you will finish or not. Confidence is a great thing and I guarantee once you have it you will never lose it.

And Yep! That's where I'll stop today... , don't want to give too many of my awesome hints away.. *wink wink* Although it is Friday, which is normally an awesome day, so that's why I feel the need to share more.


My love/hate relationship #2

Girls… unbelievable

Girls are definitely on every guys love/hate list. I know I am speaking for my fellow suckers, err… umm guys.. when I say that girls, at any given moment, can switch from our love to hate list faster than we can think dirty thoughts when we see girls in bikini’s tanning on the beach. (and yes that’s fast..)

The female sex can get us guys to do stupid things we wouldn’t normally find ourselves doing, EVER. You know that guy who is buying tampons at 10pm at night and trying to look nonchalant about it. Or that guy in the other checkout lane who is buying marshmallows, a pink teddy bear, tiny pickles, graham crackers and a half a pint of rocky road ice cream all because his girl is pregnant and in a bad mood. Man can girls get us to do anything. *shakes head* (Because you know damn well he didn’t get a craving to dip pickles in ice cream with graham cracker crumbs on top.)

*Yes yuck*

And girls suck because all guys need them. I mean, what guy isn’t a ‘sucker’ for a great girl or the right girl? *raises hand* Guys want to be taken care of by a girl; we can’t always walk around and be macho and tough all the time. Walking around in a p3nis swinging contest gets tiring after awhile.. (don’t laugh you know it’s true) ..and having the comfort of a girl cuddle up next to you or *gasp* you have one that’s cool enough to make you dinner, life is grand. Because we all know the fast way to a guy’s heart is through his stomach. (I actually never understood the validity of that statement until a few years ago.. and man does a good meal make me happy, any guy second that?)

Can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em, and the older I get the more this rings true.

Damn you girls… and your super powers that seemingly are better than ours. Because all guys possess a heckavu a lot of awesomeness upon being born, haha.

You know what, I think one of these days I am going to invent something which lets us guys handle our never ending, ongoing battle which is known as the ‘love/hate girl relationship’ and then I will make millions… just wait it’s coming. Muwahaha!! *evil grin*

One last thing to show how powerful women are. You know it only takes 8.2 seconds for a man to possibly fall in love with a woman upon first meeting them?? (I told you we love them... damn it) Check it out ---> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/5046517/8.2-seconds-needed-to-fall-in-love.html

Ohh yeah… T.G.I.F.!!!

Rhyme or reason

People are so complex and so utterly amazing it’s incredible. It’s actually hard to wrap my mind around the complex things we put ourselves through and everything we can and do accomplish. People are crazy smart in so many different ways.

For example you have your dreamers and your abstract thinkers to the right who think about the craziest way to do something or the most amazing ideas ever. These are the people that help us think of all these neat gadgets and processes and unique, but better, ways of living or thinking. Then to the left you have the ‘doers’ and these people are the ones who can take a crazy idea and breath life into it until it grows and blossoms into something real that the dreamer could only believe in their minds just a short time ago.

And these are just two examples of the many cool people we have on this earth...

Our rapid ability to process complex information and to think outside of time and space is awesome. We truly have some great people on this earth and outside of the obvious recognized ones, most of us ‘normal folk’ are awesome as well and don’t even know it. I mean I have had children that just blow my mind with ideas they come up with.

People are such forward thinking creatures and it’s almost scary at how smart we are collectively. (This can work in the opposite way and we can be stupid as well) but when we want to its unreal what we can do. I mean we are literally the most complex super computers in the world.. we function unlike anything else and our brains are super cool.

Anyways, just wanted to start the week off by telling you that YOU are awesome and there is literally no end in sight as to what we can do and people can and WILL accomplish.

Either sit back and watch or get up and be part of it… your choice. You already know what mine is.


Let's hear it

Alright alright, I am going to try this once and see how it works, because I haven’t done it yet but a few of you might get a kick out of it at my expense.. *hopes he doesn’t regret this*

So I know I cruise around being a crazy blogger and talking about all these random subjects which range from drunken stupors in college to my love/hate relationship with the internet. And I consistently talk about awesome things which could make life better and things that other people could do, but what about some reflection time?

What could I do to make this blog better?

Could “Mr. 24/7 Awesomeness” talk about dating topics more, or how girls really rule this world and men just live in it? Or is it better if I try to make this more personal and you can get a closer glimpse into ‘who the crap is this crazy 10 year old’ behind the keyboard? Give me some hints or tell me to go more left or right, I am curious to know your thoughts?

So the pressure is on, speak up? This is your chance for you to say what’s on your mind?

The good the bad and the ugly…. (I’m waiting..)


Bloggers are evil

I just wanted to forewarn you guys that bloggers are evil and we do nothing more than harass people or certain controversial issues. Kind of like the media does to candidates during the election. Or how every time R. Kelly gets close to kids, or the Olsen twins, people freak.

According to the Salisbury mayor Barrie Tilghman, she sees that "...there is an abundance of mean spirited people with negative thoughts, and that this group is growing and is endangering the city's vitality.." And this group is described as, "malicious bloggers." (Here is the link, check it out yourselves: http://mddailyrecord.com/article.cfm?id=153345&type=Daily )

BAHAHA... this is nothing short of hilarious to me. Really, I am malicious? Hmm, I mean I have been called alot of things before like funny, drunk, stupid head (when I was 7), nerd, a bad driver and the list goes on. But Malicious blogger? Dang... that's a new one. *writes it down*

I thought this was pretty good and figured I should share it with you. I figured I should warn you and tell you to stay in your house at night and turn your computers off, because people like me are out there blogging away.

But just to nail my point home, I found this. And you need to make yourself aware of these "blogging gang signs" If you see these or know people that use these signs, please tell the police. We need your help to keep them away from keyboards everywhere. They have been described as nerdy looking, varying in height and weight, glasses are more prevalent than not, normally are very good at video games and love to spend their nights alone in front of an over sized computer screen.

Please beware:
(this has been a 24/7 Awesomeness warning.. 2009)

What is college?

Lets take a flash back in time and talk about exactly that, what was college?

First thing that comes to mind in one word is “blur”. College was a time when it didn’t matter how much you drank, how stupid you acted or what party you attended last night but that you at least made an appearance there and managed to make it outside before vomiting on the front lawn. (Bonus points for not spilling your beer through all of this)

Yes this is a time in our lives were there is a lot of regretting, a lot of forgetting (due to alcohol) and even more missed classes then the kid who actually had mono. This was a time where you are supposed to enjoy your life, the fun years, where you make friends, have endless freedom until getting caught by the police, laugh you’re a_ss off, never sleep, eat shitty cafeteria food and gain 10, err umm.. 5 lbs, and most of all figure out more about yourself then you could have ever imagined possible. (This includes realizing that 'yes' you indead are not a morning person)

During this time you will most certainly skip classes, miss tests because of a guy named Jack Daniels, swear off drinking 10+ times as you are driving the porcelain bus, have moments of pure ecstasy because you finally understand differential equations (diffy Q), and experience the emotions of defeat as well as the ‘highs’ of winning..(a game of beer pong)

*takes a moment*

Man beer pong was fun, just wanted to take a second and think about it and laugh. Who knew college kids would eventually be the prime supporters of ping pong balls and plastic cups? Haha..

My personal Experiences in college included crazy events such as streaking in broad daylight (alcohol recommended for this one, and shoes) tail-gating for a big game and not even making it into the stadium because sleeping on the pavement seemed like a better idea, late night eating binges that involved some funky green stuff, and crashing a $500,000 B-172 Cessna. (e-mail me with questions on that last one) So you see all of us have had crazy experiences in college, and this is the time to do it because you can’t get away with the same shjt at 25 or 30 years of age. Trust me. So enjoy it while it lasts, and don’t miss a thing.

In some sort of a conclusion to this, I just want to say if you haven’t been to college yet, enjoy it. They will be some of the most memorable years in your life. Or the ones you can’t remember, haha. Either way you learn how to learn. You jump through hoops and pass tests all in search of a piece of paper that says, finished. But it’s a whole lot deeper than that, it’s a time of finding yourself and learning as much as you can about the world, girls and alcohol. (More the last 2, but you get the point.)

And for those of you who have gone through college I hope you had as good of a time as I did and I hope I provided a laugh for you in reading this… hahaha! (Or I just managed to steal some of your time in the day.. *sticks out tongue*) Either way I am sure you experienced what we like to call 'college', but we really can refer to it as a ‘blur’ when being honest to ourselves..


Try this sometime.

I know that compliments are awesome and that they make someone feel better, but there is a bit of a catch to it, and that comes from how you administer one and when.

You need to say one at an unexpected time, because like an attack from an opposing army that is expecting it, it doesn't work so well if at all if it is premeditated. *cue rolling eyes from the recipient* You also need to to be honest about the comment and not over do it. People know when you are pushing it and aren't oblivious to overwhelming compliments. In fact they do the opposite and normally make the person mad. So instead of doing that, be honest like the person below...

(A couple shopping together, you can guess who is who, real story)
person 1: Do you think I should try this dress on?
person 2: Yeah it looks good on the rack...
person 1: (after changing and a bit unsure) What do you think?
person 2: Well it looked good on the rack..
person 1: (no response, just a stare. . .) okay, remind me to never go shopping with you again.

I know this wasn't the response that person 1 was looking for but it's a helluva a lot better then being a liar, plus you don't feel bad afterwards, because it was the truth. Person 1 will understand and thank you for not letting them purchase a green spotted dress with purple colors mixed in.

What I am getting at is simple though. Give compliments when they should be given. You need to recognize people if you're a manager and say "thanks", I mean it's not very hard and it means alot to your co-worker. You create a better work place and they feel appreciated, and you better believe they will remember. Give compliments that are meaningful and show you actually care, people remember these for years on end if they are given with true sincerity and mean alot when you give them to the people who are close to you.

I don't want to get all sappy and crap, because I am not good at it, but you get the point. And that's be awesome and make other people feel awesome with you. That way you can create an awesome clan and rule the world..! (falls off soapbox)

Da_mn I am starting to sound all 'self help-ish', hahaha.. I need to get back to my normal ways, talk to you later...

The Timeout

Wow, life just keeps getting better and better and is so perfect when you get a chance to sit back and drink a beer and just enjoy it for a bit...

...I am sure that most of you are like me and have quite a grueling schedule day in and day out and rarely get that chance to truly unwind a bit and kick back and do nothing.. absolutely nothing.

Man does that feel great! And 'great' doesn't give it enough justice, it is so nice when you get the moments that slow down time. The moments where everything just is, and you wouldn't have it any other way. This is something a bit hard for me to describe, but I hope you can stay with me..

Some people get this feeling of euphoria after a long day, and they get an extra 30 minutes to rest, without their kids screaming around the house. Or maybe you just had an awesome football or volleyball game and you made the winning shot and after you just get to savor that moment. God does that feel good.. doesn't it?

You won, you got your 30 minutes of freedom or your 30 seconds of complete 'perfectness', nothing else matters and everything is standing still..

I am going to call this moment, "The Timeout", and I am calling it that because that's how it feels. You get a chance, a moment, to just be.

Make sure you are getting these 'timeouts' in your life and treasure them when you have them.. they don't last for long and they don't come around all the time, but damn do they feel awesome....

I hope you weekends were nothing short of that.

Positive vs. Negative

I am going to steal an idea from my buddy over at Awesomeness Inc, while putting my own twist on it of course.. haha. *sticks tongue out*

I got a comment about a post I wrote yesterday and this person managed to pull out a negative point in a post that was strictly supposed to be happy and nothing else? So I started thinking about myself and was wondering, "am I really posting negative things and writing about mind numbing ideas that make people get down?"

I don't think so? I mean tell me if I am wrong, but my main goal is to write awesome things and to give you guys something to munch on for a mid-lunch snack while you are working at the office or babysitting some crazy monkeys? (don't know what it is that you do.. you see I'm guessing)

So it got me thinking further about negative vs. positive. I think you need to have a positive mindset to even see the positive parts in a piece of writing, and if you have negative thoughts already flowing in your head, you will only be able to pick out the negative parts. Sounds simple and logical right?

I mean I try to wake up like my buddy 'A.I.' and I try to say "today is going to be a great day!" everyday I wake up. I mean I think I probably smile in my sleep and that's the way I like it. I like that happiness is contagious and that I can spread it like a disease.. haaha (watch out) You better all catch it too. If one of you walks away with a smile after reading about something good or about a thought you got from here, then I am stoked. (tell me about it, I would love to hear)

But on the other side of it if you are one of those chronic negative people, and I know you all just thought of someone you know that is negative 90+ percent of the time you see them, then I don't have time for you. I can handle a little negativity here and some there, but if you are throwing it in my face every waking minute I see you then I don't have the time for you. I mean if I could help I would, but these people really don't want help, they just want to be miserable to let the whole world know it. (please do the rest of us happy normal people a favor and leave us alone)

Here, I have a 24/7 awesomeness proposal for you. Try it! I want you to try to be happy even when shitty things happen, look at the good side for once. Look at the fact that you should be happy that you even woke up this morning, because you know and I know not everyone woke up from last night. And think about positive thoughts for a day, and this starts from the moment you get up... look in the mirror while brushing your teeth and say "today is a good day" just do it, just try it..

.. be awesome!


A Beautiful Mind

This term is crazy awesome, I mean what is a beautiful mind?

*pause for a second*

Really those three words could keep your mind wrapped up for awhile, I know mine have been thinking about that concept for the better half of a day now.

What makes a mind beautiful, I mean obviously we aren't talking how it looks but rather how it thinks and functions. And by the way we say this phrase it's referring to some one's mind that is not only unique and beautiful, but that there are not many in thee entire world like it.

A beautiful mind is one that works so flawlessly that it neither has to slow down for complex situations nor pause for any sort of reason other than it wants to. It's a not only a beautiful mind, but almost the word 'perfect' could be interchanged for beautiful as well. Now I know nothing is really ever perfect but you see how you could come to this conclusion..

..the same way you can say a woman is beautiful and in the next breath that she is perfect..

I think this phrase is so interesting and captivating, and at the same time mysterious and that's the reason we pause for a second when hearing it.... 'A Beautiful Mind'

I personally get flooded with a million crazy awesome thoughts, all of which are so hard to grasp and put on paper, so I will pose the question to you...

What comes to your mind when you hear: A Beautiful Mind.......

words/cliche's to do away with?

So I was thinking about words we really don't need in our already humongous English dictionary, and to go with those, the cliche's that are either overused or just don't have the meaning they once had.

I mean when people go to business meeting and have to bring with their 'business' dictionaries to decode what the happy, feel good speaker is saying. "win-win, and outside the box" that's where we need to draw a line.. (fuck there's another one.. 'draw the line')

You see they are such a part of our language it's hard not use them. Try it once.. But anyways here is my quick and short list of words/cliche's we could do away with:

  • "a perfect storm" which has been applied to virtually any notable coincidence..
  • "x is the new y" seriously? chocolate is not the new sex and 2010 is not the new 1970.
  • "organic", how many times have we seen this used to explain everything and anything? From water (no shit really?) to cat food...
  • "post 9/11" has really outlived it's meaning as well. Come on, drop this please.
  • "thrown under the bus" and this one is related to color commentators, come on guys use a dang thesaurus and get a new phrase. (referring to a player who takes the blame)
  • "best movie, best popcorn, etc" When you describe something as the best and then the next product on the shelf says the same thing, the meaning is nullified IMO.
  • "cutting edge or state of the art" How many times have we seen these?
  • "when we take a noun and make it into a verb" Like Christmas becomes Christmassing or something of the like.. come on, its a frickin' noun, leave it that way.
  • "drinking the kool-aid" Alright this one has recently made me mad on message boards. I am sick of someone saying (when they are brainwashed or something) that they are just drinking the 'kool-aid' or they are 'kool-aid drinkers'. I love kool-aid so shut up. haha.
  • Lastly, and I know all of you love this word... "moist" seriously, I have wanted this word out of our dictionary for so long.. yuck. There is not good time to use that word and if you think so please let me know?

I know there is alot more that I have forgotten on the short and brief list above, but you get the point. If there is other ones that must go above, please post them in the comments. :)

I think alot of meaning gets lost in our language due to these cliche sayings and once powerful and meaningful words. We need to think of new ones, because these ones have lost their power, kind of like superman without his strength. (not so cool now is he?)

So lets help lead a new wave of people in creating new hip sayings and getting rid of the old garbage, it's about time we take it out... right?


Subliminal Thoughts

So I was sleeping, just chilling thinking about Halle Berry and Jessica Alba wrestling in mud (a very common man dream) and then all of a sudden that dream stopped and I was trapped in this bathroom and I couldn't get out?

I was like what gives, I was having a good dream and then some little punk kid came in and changed the station? I wasn't happy, but since I was sleeping, there wasn't much I could do but continue to watch myself in this bathroom with like 8 other dudes.. and I think it was in a fast food restaurant to top it off.. yuck!

So I do my thing then wash my hands and then try to leave but there wasn't a door to leave? Now I am really pissed off and thinking 'bring back Ms. Alba' damn it. So I start looking for an exit for like what seemed like an eternity... then all of a sudden I wake up.. and I find myself running to the bathroom in real life to take a pi**.

I think I was in the bathroom for like 2 minutes realistically while I let my bladder completely empty. I kept looking down going wtf is going on? This never happens... haha. So anyways I finish and it gets me thinking that my body played a funny trick on me to get me to wake up to go to the bathroom. (change the channel from mud wrestling to the bathroom from hell)
So my question I am wondering is how many times does our body or our brain subliminally tell us something? Maybe because you need to wake up for the bathroom or maybe you get a gut feeling that throwing pumpkins at moving vehicles is not a smart idea? (bit extreme) but you get the point.

I am currently reading a book called, "Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell and he talks about this exact same thing in a another way though. He talks about that people, or scientists, can look at a couple for 5 seconds and tell with 95% accuracy if they will be married in 15 years.. that’s crazy? That has to be some subliminal thinking going on as well or these guys are just crazy guessers. My thought was to get them on Jeopardy or some other game show with gut instincts that good.. haha.

Anyways.. just a random thought about the things that we can't control that our brain does, do you ever get these?

S-e-x after marriage?

So I was trying to kill a few minutes as I feverishly watch the clock to hit a magical time in the afternoon, a time that says I put in my dues on a Friday and I can go home. (note: I actually love my job, but see the below post and you know why..)

So anyways I came across this great article about women and their married sex lives. So being a guy like I am, I stopped to check it out. Pretty interesting... actually pretty interestingly sad. Check this stat out:
  • over 50% of married women describe their married sex lives as depressing, embarrassing or a hassle..
  • 29% are just too tired..
  • 24% said a bubble bath would be better
  • 26% would rather read some science fiction novel by Stephen king..


Come on guys, that's pathetic. How does your wife describe your sex life, which had to be lively and vibrant at some point as drab, depressing and a turn-off? I want to know how this happens? Did one of you 'let yourself go' in a big way so that the other is not attracted or is it just you really have no time for it anymore?

This is something the next wave of men need to make right. I need your help (girls too.. because we all know you have sex drives like no other as well at times) guys and we need to change this statistic. I mean I don't want my wife to roll over in bed and say, "baby I am too tired, can I just read my book?"

Guys want to generally give alot to their wives and make everything perfect because that's the way most of us are. (puts on his marriage counseling hat) Seriously I know I haven't tied the knot, but I know enough that the physical parts of the relationship are important and need to at least be existent. Why do you think everyone knows the words "Kama sutra?" Because people are trying actively to spice up their love lives.. but apparently 50% of guys and girls are striking out after marriage.

Is this because of kids or because you were not ready to be married in the first place? I dunno.. you tell me? But it's pretty 'ironic', to say the least, that 50% of marriages also end in divorce. Hmm, might be a correlation? No sex, no marriage...

Check it out below: Later guys/girls, and enjoy your Friday. :P


Shake the funk or too much?

So I haven't been quite my awesome self lately, in fact I feel like shjt and can't sleep. It's the best feeling in the world when you 'wake up' after not sleeping with your head about to explode like Chernobyl and your glands in your throat feeling like over sized bananas... (wish I had a monkey)

..but have no fear, I am still kickin' and that's all that matters, right??

So here's whats going through my brain, when do you keep your head up and fight through the sickness or problems and when do you final throw the white flag up and say I need my bed worse than Oscar the grouch needs his garbage can?

I am a traditional fight to the end type of guy, because that's what awesome people do.. haha. (ouch, hurts to laugh) But there has to be a point when you throw in the towel and say I am done.. time to curl up in a ball and count sheep, right?

WRONG! I am not going to do it. I will just take the funky medicine that a doctor prescribes and gut it out. Try to catch the addition nap here and there, and hope my immune system comes back from holidays sooner than later. (Hawaii must be nice..)

(Ok I do understand that when you are truly beyond repair you need to stop and recharge the batteries, but I don't think I am there yet. 'Think' being the key word there...)

So without getting too much more in detail, does anyone have any suggestions other than sleep, that is a 'get well quick' remedy? I'm all ears... I know there is some awesome ideas out there.

It's never easy...

So I was lucky enough *cracks a smirk* to be able to experience a Swiss holiday called, "fasnacht". Let me explain this first, fasnacht is like mardi gras and Halloween thrown together in a blender and then add everclear & tequila with a bit of coke. (the none liquid kind)

So while your trying to imagine "pink elephants on ice skates with purple spotted rain suits," because that's probably the visual you would get.., I'll explain further what these people do.

Here's the checklist:
  1. Stay Awake: They start on Friday night and stay awake until the following Wednesday morning. Only taking sleep while in-between switching the tap that they fixed on the 1.75 L of Vodka they are sipping out of with a straw. (literally I saw this)

  2. Dress like a person from a mental ward: Anything and everything you could think of is tried. I saw someone dress up as a stoplight, yeah an actual 8 foot tall stop light?? And I saw the biggest f***ing rabbit in my entire life, the guy was probably 7 feet tall and easily 300 pounds. I asked him if he liked carrots (in German) and he didn't give me a nice look, so I left abruptly. haha.

  3. Drink as much as humanly possible: By enough I mean try and beat Tara Reid on her birthday, not going to happen...

  4. Dance if you can: By dance if you can I mean, try to stay stand up and wiggle while being packed into a bar like sardines. I see now why they do this as you have no choice but to all hold each other up, because no one person has enough coordination left to stand alone. This means the hot looking girl next to you as well. Bonus, except for the fact you can be sure she puked 3 times already, but whatever she still thinks your hot..

  5. Listen to Kukamusic (Butchered that spelling for sure): This "special" kind of music sounds like this. High school band, minus the wind instruments, gone wrong meets some dude who randomly beats on a piece of hollow wood for 12 hours straight. Yeah I know, it's horrible, and only the sound of someone who is slurring words like he just was in a car accident seems to like it. All the better right?
Sounds fun right? The most important part of this fasnacht though is this: Take the entire rest of the week off and sleep. (I didn't) Because it will possibly kill you at work.

And they do this why? Well it originally started because they believed they could 'scare' the cold/winter away. (The silly reasons us humans think of to drink eh?)

So, why am I telling you about a crazy holiday but yet named the topic "it's never easy..."? Well that's simple, because I wanted to talk about how the good things in life are not easy and don't come easy and you need to work for them. *screwed up way to talk about it, I know* But stick with me.

So you just had a long weekend because you were out being awesome and now Monday comes around. You have work to do, practice, weightlifting, running, appointments to go to, people who need you and your time, etc. And then comes that moment when you have to make a choice, one that is never easy.

Do I help someone? Do I go to the gym?

Well you feel like shit, and would rather sleep, the taste of liquor might still be overpowering the toothpaste you just stuck in your mouth and I mean you can just miss it and go home and make it up next week right?

Wrong, you need to go. And you need to go for a few reasons. Mainly because it's something you need and it's something you want, but depending on how you answer this question 'yes or no' will explain to you how bad you actually want it.

Yes it will suck, yes it probably won't be fun, yes those weights are going to kick your ass, but how good will you feel after? And it's in that moment that you get paid off handsomely for gutting it out, because you gain the most out of the things that are the hardest to do.

Always push through, why not? Be awesome and do it! You can move mountains if you want to and these things will be the most gratifying in the end anyways, believe me. You'll thank yourself later.

So remember the good things are never easy. (and the easy things are rarely good) :P

Be back with more awesomeness later, wooohooo!

Outside the box

So I was talking to my awesome friend 'E' and while we were talking I realized how crappy it is to live 'inside' the box. To be confined by rules upon rules and restrictions piled on top of regulations..

..I don't want to say rules are a bad thing, (well they do kinda suck) but more that you need to have flexibility, trust and some wiggle room under those rules.

For instance at work you need to be trusted and not micro managed like you are a kindergartner during recess or R. Kelly at an Olsen twins slumber party. And to go along with that trust you need to be appreciated. (with these two things, watch your co-workers soar while you are their manager!)

And let them live 'outside' the box for a bit, amazing what that will to for them in terms of productivity and overall happiness. What I mean by 'outside' the box is encourage them to be creative and proactive and to handle issues on their own. If you have good employees and you already have trust established, let them make a few decisions, give them a $20 heater under their desks in the winter or add their favorite candy in the vending machines.. I don't care what you do, but let me tell you one thing, these little things go a long ways. (sorry for the cliche)

(This might get a little crazy but try and follow me...)

People need to (live outside the box) and do a few things to have a happier life:

  • Take chances, and I don't mean eating McDonald's and trying not to puke.
  • Challenge the status quo, because who wants to be normal anyways?
  • Push personal limits and venture outside the comfort zone, this doesn't mean trying a caribou coffee over Starbucks for a day.
  • Think of the unthinkables and then go do them, we all have ideas, so make them more than just thoughts.
  • Exceed expectations, why(?), because you can!

And that last point reminds me to not forget this, "Yes we can" (stupidest slogan ever.. we can what... retard? I always wanted to ask him that... *shakes head at our ever intelligent leader*)

Sorry about the random rant, but it's just me being awesome.. No for real... don't laugh..