Make the Decision

Making a decision is something that we do everyday. We need to decide what to wear when we get out of bed, and if we really want a coffee in the morning or just some milk or juice will do. We have millions of everyday decisions we make with little to no effort. These are normally the questions we have to answer on a daily basis and don't have to care all that much about. This makes them a lot faster and thus leaves us with more time to think about the more important decisions which inevitably lie ahead..

Now hear is my question. How do you go about making the complex decisions? How do you tackle the important issues that will have greater consequences than the ones involving cereal or toast in the morning?

Do you have a method and a way of systematically going about tough decisions? Do you make a chart with a pro's and con's column? Are you the person who goes around and takes a quick poll in their minds about what all your friends and family in your inner circle think? No matter what way that you do it, you still have to make these decisions, because we both know they don't go away and only get harder the longer you procrastinate with them.

So my question to you is, "How do you make the decision?"

Give me your opinion and your insight into how you go about the tough ones?

Here is a personal example about a decision I need to make. I have a career decision fast approaching in the next 6 months and it's a biggy. I need to decide what I want to do and where I want to go. Sounds easy enough, weigh the pluses and minuses and see how it shakes out. But here is the 'kicker' for me, every decision would make me happy. I mean normally you have a decision to make and it's clear which ones have what benefits, and most the time you can gauge relatively close if you would be happy with one over another, but for me I would be happy with all.

So what do you do? How do you make a decision without any regrets. Or is it easier, because I know no matter which decision I make I will be happy?


(Ohh yeah.. just a quick note to you. Something to try today. And that is to SMILE more!)


  1. When I have to make a decision, I pray on it... and I have one good girlfriend who I can rely on to give it to me straight (non of that yes ma'am nonsense), so I talk to her about it.

    Ultimately, I rely on myself and my conclusions I pull from God.

  2. When you have a hard decision Nicki you need some time to yourself to think and process the choices combined with a best friends which is ALWAYS good to have and a bit of prayer never hurts..

    Sounds like you have a good way of dealing with tough decisions.

  3. Go out into nature and center your mind. If you are tapped into the world, then the answer reveals itself...

    GOOD JOB for having some good job prospects. You're blessed to have this dilemma lol.

  4. Thanks Bamer!

  5. @ A.I.: Thats a good way to think, let the answer find you instead of tiresomely searching for it...

    I am lucky in my job situation actually which is a bit abnormal in this economy. But I am not exactly in 'this' (meaning american) economy.

    I actually live and work in Switzerland at the moment, and with my contract running out I have some big decisions coming up. Biggest of my life.

    @ nicki 'love my' sunshine: No problem, I love the way you think and your positive outlook!

  6. ... We need to decide to be happy every day, too. :)

    As for decisions... do the pros and cons thing. Sleep on it. Shower on it (good suggestion from the other awesome dude ;) ). And after you've done all the analysing just let it percolate for a little while and don't think about it.

    You'll know. It doesn't help to say that, haha, but somehow you'll *know* which is the right decision for you.

    Good luck. :)

  7. @ Steph: I think I will end up making a pro's and con's thing. Not sure how many people I will really bounce it off of until I at least have it narrowed down to just a few.

    Hard not to think about it though. It's my life. ;) And it's fast approaching. :P

    Good suggestions about letting it marinate though.

  8. Let it Marinate like a steak. :) Good plan. Pros and cons are a good idea, don't get too caught up in the 'score' though, let it be instinctual too.

    You'll get there, the right thing for you is in your reach. That's a really good thing!

    You know I am here if you want to talk. :)

  9. Personally, I never make pro-and-con lists, because the fatal flaw with them is that if you have more "pros" than "cons" or vice versa it could potentially help you make the wrong decision. They all assume equal weight. If it helps to get it on paper, great, but as Steph said, don't get caught up in the "math" of it.

    What is your gut instinct? Trust yourself, and do it.

    Awesomenessinc also said to go out in nature and center your mind. Good advice, and I'd like to elaborate upon that. Get rid of all your wired accessories, anything that keeps you in touch with the rest of the world. Go to the top of the mountain (will get that picture up soon!), and meditate. There's a reason why great things happen on mountains in the Bible.

    Make yourself comfortable and being breathing slowly. Silence. If you are not still, and you don't listen to God and to your heart, how are you going to be able to make a decision? Have you spent the same amount of time talking about your difficult choice as you have spent in silence, listening to what God might have to say? That's hard to do. Why is talking so much easier than listening? Why is it easier to surround myself with noise and keep moving than to stop, be silent, and listen?

    "Search your hearts and be silent." -Psalms 4:4
    "But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed." -Luke 5:16

    These were regular disciplines Jesus had. When was the last time you were in a solitary place?

    I hope that helps.

  10. @ Steph : I know I will make the right decision, I just wanted to know how others make a tough decision. :)

    @ gust : That helps alot... I think it will end up being a gut decision to be honest. is that what you do? Go find a place to be alone?

  11. Also important too is to know that the choice isn't the most important thing...

    it's what you do AFTER you make the choice that makes the most difference.

    You'll always make the right decision, if you think that way. There are no wrong or right choices, unless that choice is to snort coke, or fuck a panda. Both of those aren't good looks lol.

  12. Your gut will tell you, definitely. How did our stomachs get so wise? ;)

    I don't know that I have a particular process I follow when making a decision. I'm kind of a fan of the pros/cons thing, but that only tells you what the logical decision might be, it doesn't tell you what the best decision for you might be. Like Gust says, things don't look the same on paper as they feel to you.

    And after that? Eventually I just *know* (that isn't much help, is it ;) ). An idea grows on you, or it hits you between the eyes in the middle of the night... You will get there. Just listen to yourself. :)

    So build a clearer picture in your mind with the pros/cons list to make sure you are aware of all the ins and outs of everything, and then go with your gut. There's no rush, and there's no wrong answer. Like A.I. says, you come out on top no matter what!

  13. Absolutely. I will talk with my friends or people I think would be beneficial in helping me out make my decision, researching it a bit more, and then with all that information I will go take some time to be by myself, nowhere near anyone. I manage to find a few good meditation spots.

    You're in Switzerland, so you have the earth's best meditation spots all over the country; it won't be hard for you. Close to your house, I liked that woods across the river at the top of the hill. Somewhere deep in there I found a cutoff stump that wasn't really near any footpaths or anything (though it was rare I'd encounter anyone there) or else in a van down by the river.

    Okay, just kidding about the van part! But down by the river was excellent. Otherwise, hop in your car and find a dramatic vista. Great for meditation, prayer, and thought.

    You'll make the right choice.

  14. Some thoughts from Dr. Seuss:

    "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who'll decide where to go." - Dr. Seuss

  15. Praying is about the best thing you can do in my opinion.

    For me a good cigar and glass of cognac does wonders as well.

  16. @ A.I. : LMFAO.. haha, I have never had the urge to fuck a panda or snort coke so I should be good. haha.

    Good point about it only mattering what you do afterwards. Agreed.

    @ Steph : I agree, just as long as I make the most of the decision I make and have no regrets it will be awesome!

    @ Gust : You were sitting on stumps in the woods in Switzerland? haha.. you nerd. Good idea though, thanks.

    @ MDUBB : so cigar and some alcohol eh? Basically you're saying to relax a bit. Good idea also.

  17. You better believe I was! :P

    You should sit down and read the book you were named after, Luke!

    -Jamal the Preacher

  18. @ Gust : haha.. I could do that, it's not that bad of a book eh?

    I heard about it once or twice.. :)

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.  
  20. Read it while sitting on the stump!

    Know what's sad and scary at the same time? I found pretty much the exact location on Google Maps.

  21. @ Gust : Google maps is crazy... unreal what you can find. Did you find my house?

  22. Yes, I found not only your house, but the area where the stump was! Stalkerific!

    It's cool to be able to find something on satellite view, but even satellite view is so detailed that it's scary. Street view is even worse. The privacy implications of Google Maps frighten me -- if Google has this technology, think about what kind of technology the government has to use against us. It also creates less mystique about various places of the world.

    My hometown made Google Maps remove images of the city:

  23. @ Gust : I think I want to play around on that once, I never do. :)