Live your life

Written above are 3 simple words that are actually quite easy to say, but rather hard to follow. Many people talk about trying to do fun things and go cool places, but I feel like very few of us succeed in doing so. Many of us repeatedly step up to the plate and all we hear is the ball fly by us while the umpire screams, “you’re out!!”

Why do so many of us fail to hit the ball or even swing the bat. I guess half the battle is getting in the batters box, but the other have is finishing what you started to do. Good intentions don’t get you anywhere in life. You need to finish what you started, you need to do what you said you were going to do and live your life the bet way possible.

What do I even mean by living your life? Well, to put it simple, “enjoy your life”, but those words don’t add much clarity as people will settle with what they have and tell you time and again they are enjoying their lives. But who are they kidding? Are they really? I guess it’s not your nor mine place to say yes or no, but it is quite easy to read between the lines and see who is getting in the batters box and swinging and who is still riding pine.

You need to be able to wake up every morning and be excited about your life, your accomplishments and what lies ahead of you in your path. You owe it to yourself to have the best life possible. So why not have it?

You would truly be surprised how fun your life can be if you just let it be fun. IF you smile a bit more everyday and do a few more fun things here and there. Get out and go for a walk in the park, see your favorite movie, drink your favorite wine (and maybe have too much), laugh hard and loud without caring when and where you are and most importantly live your life.

Too often we see mid-life crises, or people that have breakdowns. We push ourselves too far to the edge and finally we do fall over. I don’t think we need to slow down, but I do think we should smell the fuckin damn roses once in awhile. I mean why not? Plan for doing something fun. Now this doesn’t mean plan a specific time for fun, but rather have fun in doing more things. Expect everything to go well, more often than not, how you think about a particular task, errand, person, whatever…, will make it that much more enjoyable in the end…

Try this, trust me…



  1. Too right. :) I fully agree, just do what makes you happy, and especially don't let things pass you by (I mean, although you can - and should - be a totally awesome 80 year old getting stuck into everything too, there is no better time to do things than while you're young and dumb. ;) Strike now, why the iron is hot! After all, at the end of the day, all you have is 'now', if you're 8 or 80).

    I like how you say, 'rather have fun in doing more things', you totally nail it. Fun isn't an activity or a place or time, it's the attitude you take to everything you do. There are no excuses for not having an awesome time (my most recent discovery in life :D ).

    Taking fun in the small things is absolutely what makes life great. Like, for instance, last night when I got totally tanked on the wine and I only meant to stay for one. ;) I'm not really a drinker, but the conversation was so good with my friend that we stayed in the bar long enough to get pretty happy. Why care that you only meant to have one drink, when the alternative was so much better?

    Moral of the story is to just do it... see where it takes you and what trouble you can get up to! Just 'live you life'! :)

  2. That was truly awesome writing. :) I agree with all of it :)
    Life is too short, you get 1 shot,
    So why not give it all you've got.

    Smile :) xoxo