Being a guy

You ever think about, regardless of if you are a male or female, what it’s like being a guy? I can speak from personal experience and I would just like to take a moment and explain a few reasons why it’s good to be a guy. Hopefully you will get a chuckle out of this, I know I did when I thought about a few things this morning when I got out of bed.

The “meh…attitude.”
What I mean by this is that guys have an uncanny ability to just say ‘meh’ about a lot of decisions we make on a daily basis. I know that women can do this too, but guys do this on a extremely regular basis in my opinion. Think of this, “what should I wear today?” Well we could put a great deal of time into this if we wanted to but we rarely do, at least outside of the metrosexuals on the world. “…This is a cool green shirt, and this orange hat fits nice so I’ll wear that while I rock out in my sweatpants… she shouldn’t mind, we are just going to a movie…” This is a conversation we have many times with ourselves. It’s the ‘meh’ attitude. Clean my room or play video games? Wow, did I even just have that thought pass through my head? Video games, next…

Peeing anywhere
Duuuuude, we can go to the bathroom whenever wherever we want to. Bathroom in a restaurant, no problem. In the corner of a crowded street on the side of a building, piece of cake. Fishing on a boat in the middle of lake while trying to aim that little guy into a plastic cup, simple. We are actually pretty handy with that little guy and I am happy everyday that I wake up and see that I still have a hose to use. Very multifunctional. Watch this!
How many times have you heard a guy say this? Haha, I just laugh thinking about the stupid stuff I did after a statement like this. Now flip that thought and think of how many girls compared to the number of guys you just pictured also say this? I would be surprised if you said half. Guys just like to do dumb things, we get cheap thrills out of bottle rockets, firecrackers, fast cars, things that make you hurt, etc. We are programmed as well to push any limit that we see. Speed limit, haha what is it again? Alcohol limit, we can drink well over that, in fact lets buy a breathalyzer to measure our progress. Do I need to say more?

Simple pleasures
Girls probably know what I mean when I say this. Guys can find pleasure anywhere.. (ohh, butterfly.. ahh where was I…?) How many times have you tried to talk to your guy and he is watching T.V.? And of those times how many times has he responded with an intelligent answer? The percentage is one that would probably represent the amount of PSI you need in your bike tire, not much. We get pleasure out of the dumbest things. Take, for example, a ball. Guys can play for hours upon hours with a ball and be completely content. We have sports designed around ever weird shaped ball in the world, I swear. (who made the wiffle ball anyways??)

I could make this list 100 pages long, but I just want to take a moment and remember why I love being a guy. All these stupid things make us who we are, and I wouldn’t change anything for the world.



  1. hahaha what a good read for quitting time! :D


    #9 BSL Spartans

  2. Besides never having to worry about people talking to your chest instead of you, and not having pms.. its even better being a girl!

  3. Nice list. :) But the fact that men are so proud of being able to pee everywhere always reminds me of the old joke that goes something like:

    God was handing out gifts to Adam and Eve. He was getting to the last two on his list when he said: "And who would like to have the ability to pee - "

    Adam breaks it to yell, 'ME!'

    " - standing up?" Finished God.

    God considers Adam, who is looking all excited. "Okay, Adam, that gift will go to you." He pauses. "Which I guess means multiple orgasms go to Eve."

    Booyah! Haha. ;) Enjoy saying 'meh' to that one for all of eternity!

  4. @ David: Welcome to the blog, come back and read more and thanks for the comment. :) If you got a giggle out of it then it was good for me. ;)

    @ xxxray: Hater.

    @ Steph: If you can find a guy to give those to you... which I know most guys can't deliver or fall short soo... umm.... yeah.


  5. hater? nobody is hating here.. i just wouldn't want any of "that" external anatomy.

  6. @ xxxray: Well I am glad you are proud to be a girl. :)

    Someone needs to make the babies and get chocolate and flowers given to them. :D

  7. xxxray - maybe you don't know what you're missing? My appendage frees me up so I can be on the move.


  8. xxxray - maybe you don't know what you're missing? My appendage frees me up so I can be on the move.


  9. Oh, and all it takes for two guys to become best friends is a night of drunken shenanigans. It's 100% true.

  10. I completely agree with you.. :D