I'll pass...
So I recently got the worse thing imaginable for a human to get, something I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. I don't know how many of you out there have had this before, but it sucks and there isn't really anything you can do to prevent it, because it revolves around trust that each and everyone of us extends to someone else. (100% of the time actually)
Can you start taking a stab at what I;m thinking of yet?
Can you think of something that some of us do on a daily basis, and in fact all of us do this at least a few times a week, and we hardly ever know the person in which we put so much apparent trust in? That is essentially behind it.
I will give you a hint that will surely give it away, unless you already guessed it? And what this unimaginable thing has to do with is ..... FOOD! Specifically food from a restaurant or fast food joint. Somewhere we have to pay for it and trust the people making it that it is safe and good to eat. Why do we put this trust in these absolute strangers? Is it because we have no choice or is it because that's the way society has set it up? (If you want to eat away from home this is the only way to do it.)
Either way, take an extra glance at what goes in and out of your mouth next time and make sure it's cooked and prepared to YOUR standards. No need to risk it, trust me!
Because I recently got food poisoning from a local diner (actually the last 2 days) that I frequent often and probably over 100 times in the last year alone. They even know me and recognize me when I come in, but yet you still have to check whats set in front of you, no matter how hungry you are.
Just a word to the wise as I hope all of you can avoid this.
Posted in: crazy, evil, improvements, little things, negative, sick, teaching, tough decisions, warning on Wednesday, May 20, 2009 at at 10:27 PM
Yucky. :/ What exactly was wrong with the food? Do I want to know?!
Food poisoning is uncool... and, yeah, we've all unfortunately been there.
You feeling okay though, Bamer? Sending some healthy vibes and TLC. Hope you feel better soon!! :) *hugs*
It was pig meat... and it's typical over here. I guess it had bacteria. Type in Webmd.com and look it up.. it's a bit brutal.. Still got it now... blah..
You have had food poisoning? from?
Thanks for the vibes.. :P
It can take a few days to go away, unfortunately. See a doc if you need to. :P
I had food poisoning from bad chicken... campylobacter, the worst kind you can get. *shudder*
I thought the worst kind was from red meat? I hear anyone can die from that..?
It's not so much the type of meat that is infected, but the type of bacteria that has infected it. Bacteria can come from many sources; the animal itself, the preparer of the food (usually fecal matter, ick), the environment (i.e. dirty surfaces, implements), etc. Certain types of meat are for sure more dangerous though - chicken is notorious. It's usually due to the fact that the chicken naturally has these organisms in its digestive tract (lovely little colonies of bacteria that make us sick, but not them), so when they are chopped up for eating the bacteria is inadvertently spread to the good parts that we eat. The only way to kill these little buggers is to cook the chicken absolutely correctly. Hence all the health warnings about not eating pink chicken.
Red meat is not so much of a problem. That's why you can eat it rare and bleeding if that's your thing. Of course the issues of contamination by preparers still exist, but I'm not aware that cows/sheep, etc, harbour as many dangerous bacteria as chickens do.
Pork is an interesting one - first thing I'd go for is contamination by the preparer, but pork is also known for harbouring antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria, due to the practice of battery farming pigs and pumping them full of antibiotics...
Could have been anything that made you ill, Bamer. Unfortunately you won't know unless you go to a doctor and get them to test your, er, bathroom bi-products.
Okay, I better stop before I gross everyone out, and/or rehash my entire microbiology education. ;)
That was like my proton food safety course all over again. Thanks for the re-fresher and really could've used you the night before we had to write it! lol
What about raw fish / aka sushi?
I've eaten it before, but it's oh-so-nothing-special in my opinion. I haven't gotten sick, but when I think of food poisoning, the first thing I think of is sushi. I had a professor in college begin to turn green a couple minutes into a lecture, immediately said "Class is dismissed, I ate sushi for lunch" and took off.
I like my steaks to be "still mooing", though! :D
Sushi is nothing special? *Gasp* Blasphemer! ;)
I love sushi. Except I'm too dodged out to eat it here as it's too far inland. The thought of how far that fish has come totally gives me the icks.
Maybe that is your problem, Gust. You only think Sushi is nothing special because you live in the middle of the continent of North America - a loooong, long way from the sea. Trust me, when you grow up on an island, like me, the sushi is much better. The fish is practically still swimming (but you hope killed humanely ;) ).
Give it a try on the coast sometime. :)
*end rant*
PS. Raw fish that is not handled/prepared properly will for sure be full of nasties. Same as any other food, you hope the place you buy it from is full of workers who wash their hands. ;)