Too much of a good thing?

Can you have too much of a good thing?

I mean too much ice cream gives you a stomach ache.. and if you decide you want to eat it too fast, well then your brain literally freezes.

Too much food and you get fat, too much alcohol and you throw up.

Too much sleeping and you get more tired than when you went to bed, and if you stay in the bathtub too long you turn into a prune. wtf?

I mean it seems there isn't al ot of truth to the saying, "You can't have too much of a good thing.." I guess the person who made this quote up never had 3 or more sisters growing up. I had the experience of living in a sea of estrogen and I couldn't swim. Sucked at times, but at least I got the experience of how to deal with women at a young age right?

Anyways, here is the question I am trying to get at. There might be one thing you can't get enough of..? Or at least some people would argue you couldn't. And that is SEX. Yep I said it, can you get enough sex, like really turn it down because you had so much or is it not possible?

I think you can get enough, whats your opinion?


  1. You think you can get enough sex? Haha, okay. ;)

    Maybe in one day, sure. But throughout your whole lifetime there is always room for more. ;)

  2. i dont think u r gona be on ur deathbed, wishing u had less sex..

  3. hahaha, I love the responses. So I assume that both of you think you can't get too much then?

    hmm.... maybe that you can/can't thing is split between genders?

  4. I think I can get enough.. stuff starts to get sore. lol

  5. @ Nikki: LMAO, that is definitely true, and that's why I said 'in one day'. ;) Something to be said for pacing yourself, haha. But the rest of your life? Always room for more!

    @ Bamer: It's not like one day next week you'll wake up and say "I think I've had enough sex this lifetime" and become celibate. ;)

  6. Too much is never an issue, its when u r not getting any that's a problem!! have u ever envied someone who isnt getting any? i think many people would agree with me that this sh*t never gets old. too much is never enough. and if u came to a point when you dont think about it constantly, and when u r gona get it next time, then u r not having that addictive "good stuff".

  7. hmmm... how much sex you love
    is different on the people, not on
    genders !!!

    and you can't have too much sex. it's depend on the feeling you've .
    first time you would like to have sex every time, and everywhere !
    than after some years with the same partner, it can/will change. maybe you doesn't have many times a week sex, but the feeling will be more intensive.

    every time in your life is a beautiful time. so enjoy your life, with or without sex ! :)
    and don't worrie, one day the nature
    will control your sex life by itselfs ! ;)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.  
  9. It is definitely true that the more you get the more you want...

    But the flipside can be equally true, if it's been a while, then you really want it. ;)

    Hahaha, so I guess the solution to all is just regular sex?

  10. I would pick quality over quantity any day, although i dont think its impossible to have awesome sex all the time.. yeah u get used to each other and it seems like a routine over years, but thats your job to make it awesome all the time!! there are always ways to spice things all depends on how enthusiastic u r about it, and if ur partner(s) is willing to work with u...and thats my opinion. But again, i still have a sex drive of a 16 year old on prom night. :)

  11. I just think it's hilarious that the sterotype is that guys want more sex than girls, but as we can see... We girls are pretty horny creatures. LOL.

    Agreed, quality over quantity, and put your all into it every time to make it mutually satisfying, especially over a long relationship.

  12. @ all : Wow, thanks for the comment, I guess I have alot more girl readers than guys... haha. :P

    And it sounds as though all of you would rather have more than less, with only one stipulation, and that is that it should be quality. Agreed on my side too...

    @ xxxray : Never got a chance to say it before but welcome to the comment sextion!

    @ tweety : Welcome! Keep coming back and posting more. ;)

    @ Bamer : (myself) I think I need to post more topics regarding sex? haha... :P :P

  13. @Bamer : thanks, but u wrote "sextion".. haha what are you thinking about ??LOL perhaps the same thing i am then.. quick, lets do a one-night stand..and we really dont have to be standing all night just so you know.. jk :P

  14. @ xxxray : Wow... I didn't even realize I wrote the word 'section' with an 'x' for the 'c'...


    Freudian slip?

  15. Men are preoccupied with sex. This is simply true about male nature, not because "society told them to behave this way" -- which is so stupid that you have to be a liberal to believe this. Men want an infinite number of women. That's just male nature. So how should men deal with it?

    I have 3 suggestions (no order of importance):
    1. Stay busy. If I had to give a #1, that's #1. Idle hands are the devil's playground. Take on tasks, responsibilities, and that will help immensely.
    2. Be with your wife/girlfriend as much as possible (unless you don't like your wife or she doesn't like you).
    3. Do things with GOOD male friends. Even though the talk always comes to sex, it's still good to be with good men. The throwing of men into the company of women at all times has not been good for either sex (sometimes I think we live in age of stupidity). Rotary clubs, men's bible studies groups, etc.

    Complete sexual fulfillment is unattainable in this world. We men really are animals! Take a look at any group of unsocialized males (high school classrooms, gangbangers, biker bar).

    As a group, women don't know the power of male sex instincts. Mothers over the eons have claimed their 13-year-old boy isn't interested in sex yet. Uhm... yeah.

    My recommendation: Read Pope John Paul II's "Theology of the Body".