
A deep breath.. the relaxing sound of nothing but a cool breeze in the background, as it bounces along, on a beautiful afternoon.

Laughter.. the feeling of being happy, if only for the pure reason that you can be.

Chilling.. when you can sit there and clear your mind of all thoughts, even if the moment is ever so brief.

Relax.. the part of the day that comes after everything else is completed, and you feel so good about your accomplishments, that you would rather sit there in your chair then to move and ruin the moment.

The words above are just reminders that we need to take time out once in awhile and breath, laugh, chill and relax. Regardless of how much time you currently contribute to your personal well being, be assured that the more time you do give back to yourself, the better your life will be.

So go ahead and throw yourself a bit more relaxation and breathing time. Believe me that your ‘future self’ will thank you for it.


  1. I love this post and the picture.

  2. Nice reminder. :) Make sure you take your own advice... I think you need some more chillaxin'.

  3. Thanks girls. :) I tried to keep it simple today... a bit of a different style of writing for me..

  4. Pray. :)

  5. pray?

  6. That's what I do, anyhow to help relax. Most of those steps you list actually are what one does whilst in prayer, and those are the steps taken to be "whole" with the universe.

    And that's a big part of what it's all about.

    My 2 cents, anyhow.

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