Most Contagious
The most contagious thing in the world... do you know what it is? Have you ever given this some thought?
What was the first thing you just thought of? Just now as I asked this question?
If you are like the majority of people, I am sure the first thing you thought of was a cold, flu or something bad. But why is that? Why did the thoughts of something negative pop into your mind first? (I don't really know either..) I mean go type in "most contagious" on Google and you will get a million hits for diseases and colds. It's crazy... So don't feel bad that you thought about it first as well.
I mean this could be because the word 'contagious' means, according to Webster's dictionary, 1: communicable by contact 2: bearing contagion 3: used for contagious diseases 4: exciting similar emotions or conduct in others. By these definitions, nothing positive is even mentioned until #4, the last one. And #1 and #3 are referring to something that you can 'catch', like a disease. So our own dictionaries are telling us it's bad before it's good, technically, right?
But that's not what I want to get at, and either way it doesn't matter, because I am going to tell you what I think is the most 'contagious anything' in the world. And the first thing I thought of when I asked myself this question. (Possibly even a few of you have guessed what I am about to say already?) And that is... ..
...a smile. YEP! That's it. Simple eh?
The most contagious thing in this world is a smile. Just think about it for a second. Think about how many times you smile in a day and then think about how many times you laugh in a day. If you are a happy camper, then you smile quite often. Which is great! And when you smile you pass it along. It hops from one person to another until it's filling the whole room that you're in, just like a "contagious virus", err... umm.. almost. :)
These little smiles are like gifts we give each other. It's like saying, "thank you for being my friend" to everyone that you enjoy, and are happy around. The best part about these gifts though is that they are quick, simple and free. We are always looking for something that can keep up with us and how fast we move, and quick we need it. Well here you go, here is one thing that will be able to hold up to your daily grind... I promise, so go ahead and use it more.
And just to prove to you that it's contagious, I am going to show you a few examples of smiles, and I bet at least one of them will make you smile back at it. ;) (click on the images to make them bigger)
Hope you have a happy Tuesday.

Posted in: addiction, contagious, happiness, kids, positive, smiling on Tuesday, May 12, 2009 at at 12:18 PM
Man, do I wish someone in this office would smile today... :(
Thanks for your smiles! :)
No problem, I am glad someone smiled. :) I wish I could share more than pictures and words about smiles. :)
My first thought was actually Ice Cream! I've been in such a comfort food mode lately, and it tastes good.
Normally I would've thought of a cold or something though. :)
@ Gust : Really? You thought of ice cream? haha... aer you preggers?
We are on the same wavelength or I've read it somewhere, but I was thinking a smile, also!!!! Go me. lol
@ Nicki : I'm impressed. I am glad you have a happier outlook on life than most.
Thanks Bamer!!!
Anytime Nicki... ;) *wink wink*