The Timeout
Wow, life just keeps getting better and better and is so perfect when you get a chance to sit back and drink a beer and just enjoy it for a bit...
...I am sure that most of you are like me and have quite a grueling schedule day in and day out and rarely get that chance to truly unwind a bit and kick back and do nothing.. absolutely nothing.
Man does that feel great! And 'great' doesn't give it enough justice, it is so nice when you get the moments that slow down time. The moments where everything just is, and you wouldn't have it any other way. This is something a bit hard for me to describe, but I hope you can stay with me..

Some people get this feeling of euphoria after a long day, and they get an extra 30 minutes to rest, without their kids screaming around the house. Or maybe you just had an awesome football or volleyball game and you made the winning shot and after you just get to savor that moment. God does that feel good.. doesn't it?
You won, you got your 30 minutes of freedom or your 30 seconds of complete 'perfectness', nothing else matters and everything is standing still..
I am going to call this moment, "The Timeout", and I am calling it that because that's how it feels. You get a chance, a moment, to just be.
Make sure you are getting these 'timeouts' in your life and treasure them when you have them.. they don't last for long and they don't come around all the time, but damn do they feel awesome....
I hope you weekends were nothing short of that.
Posted in: awesomeness, peace, rest, timeout on Sunday, March 15, 2009 at at 6:46 PM
Those are the moments that bring life to a notch or two above wonderful, I've been lucky enough to have had some amazing and memorable ones. Thanks for being a part of one or two. :) Life does indeed keep getting better and better.
Life shouldn't be a hell bent fast ride to the end, but more a journey, and sometimes we get so wrapped up in the journey that we need life's little timeout's.
Please take them..
Little moments are good, and necessary. It baffles me that the average American company only gives employees 10-15 days of time off per year - I think people need much more time off than that if they want to experience life.
Agreed with that point Gust. They need a bit of European spice or something..
I ride my motorcycle to get that feeling. I know exactly what you mean...
Sometimes simply looking at something simple, or meditating about nothing does the trick too. As a population, we are WAY too overstimulated. It pays to chill out a bit
Great post.
Thanks A.I. :P
It's nice to shut down once in awhile is all. We all need to a quick timout.
Completely agree about the over stimulated..
At tonight's Lenten Worship Service we were talking about how you can experience God in the moments we take for granted - walking in the snow, in worship, in someone doing something for us, etc.
I realize not everyone is Christian or not everyone believes in God, but I think that if you are taking timeouts that truly are timeouts, you are in tune with God - and in turn, in tune with the Universe.
Maybe hence the reason why you feel the world stop almost and everything just is?