Bloggers are evil
I just wanted to forewarn you guys that bloggers are evil and we do nothing more than harass people or certain controversial issues. Kind of like the media does to candidates during the election. Or how every time R. Kelly gets close to kids, or the Olsen twins, people freak.
According to the Salisbury mayor Barrie Tilghman, she sees that "...there is an abundance of mean spirited people with negative thoughts, and that this group is growing and is endangering the city's vitality.." And this group is described as, "malicious bloggers." (Here is the link, check it out yourselves: )
BAHAHA... this is nothing short of hilarious to me. Really, I am malicious? Hmm, I mean I have been called alot of things before like funny, drunk, stupid head (when I was 7), nerd, a bad driver and the list goes on. But Malicious blogger? Dang... that's a new one. *writes it down*
I thought this was pretty good and figured I should share it with you. I figured I should warn you and tell you to stay in your house at night and turn your computers off, because people like me are out there blogging away.
But just to nail my point home, I found this. And you need to make yourself aware of these "blogging gang signs" If you see these or know people that use these signs, please tell the police. We need your help to keep them away from keyboards everywhere. They have been described as nerdy looking, varying in height and weight, glasses are more prevalent than not, normally are very good at video games and love to spend their nights alone in front of an over sized computer screen.
Please beware: 
Posted in: beware, blog, bloggers, evil, safety, warning on Thursday, March 19, 2009 at at 9:35 AM
Gasp. I knew you were trying to corrupt me. *makes sign of the devil*
Haha, that's hilarious. ;)
right? hahaha.. I mean really? Is that lady serious? haha..