Rhyme or reason

People are so complex and so utterly amazing it’s incredible. It’s actually hard to wrap my mind around the complex things we put ourselves through and everything we can and do accomplish. People are crazy smart in so many different ways.

For example you have your dreamers and your abstract thinkers to the right who think about the craziest way to do something or the most amazing ideas ever. These are the people that help us think of all these neat gadgets and processes and unique, but better, ways of living or thinking. Then to the left you have the ‘doers’ and these people are the ones who can take a crazy idea and breath life into it until it grows and blossoms into something real that the dreamer could only believe in their minds just a short time ago.

And these are just two examples of the many cool people we have on this earth...

Our rapid ability to process complex information and to think outside of time and space is awesome. We truly have some great people on this earth and outside of the obvious recognized ones, most of us ‘normal folk’ are awesome as well and don’t even know it. I mean I have had children that just blow my mind with ideas they come up with.

People are such forward thinking creatures and it’s almost scary at how smart we are collectively. (This can work in the opposite way and we can be stupid as well) but when we want to its unreal what we can do. I mean we are literally the most complex super computers in the world.. we function unlike anything else and our brains are super cool.

Anyways, just wanted to start the week off by telling you that YOU are awesome and there is literally no end in sight as to what we can do and people can and WILL accomplish.

Either sit back and watch or get up and be part of it… your choice. You already know what mine is.



  1. There are a million ideas outside time and space that are just waiting for us to grab them... they're lurking just out of normal sight waiting for someone to look at a problem a different way. :)

    You're right - we're all awesome. Everyone has their own special talent that makes them awesome, even if they just seem on the outside like Joe Normal.

    Here's to the dreamers!

  2. We're all awesome and unique. Just like everyone else.

  3. @Steph : I just hope that people find what their talent is and use it.. "cheers to the dreamers"

    @Gust : Are you a dreamer or a do'r?

  4. The question isn't whether we are a dreamer or a doer, the question is dreamer of what? doer of what?

  5. Ok so answer that one for me.. are you a dreamer or a doer and of what are you one?

    I am a doer... with a splash of dreamer..

  6. Doer. I'm doing everything it takes to make my dream of joining the US Navy as an officer into a reality.

    Sometimes we have dreams, but they aren't realistic, or we don't get a good feeling about them, and don't move forward with them. Others just lack motivation. I like making calculated, educated moves. Some of my dreams will always stay "blue sky" dreams.

    "Man has a dream, and that's the start.
    He follows his dream, with mind and heart.
    And when it becomes a reality, it's a dream come true, for you and me"

  7. I think all dreams are reachable, which would make me believe that most are never achieved because of 'lack of motivation'.

    Anything you want to accomplish you can... just try.. and after you fall down 12 times, that 13th time when you get back up you succeed.. (and thats for the easy dreams)

    Calculated risks.. hmm, wouldn't actually call that 'dreaming' per say..

    ..for me it's more fun to try and chase that 'blus sky dream' as opposed to the ones right in front of me.

    ie: it's not very fun to chase a girl when she is already at your front door. :P

  8. I guess you and I differ. EPCOT used to have this great attraction that combined all the different topics of their Future World section of the park together, incorporating vital topics for tomorrow such as Communication, Energy, The Seas, Agriculture, etc. The attraction's motto was "If We Can Dream It, We Can Do It" and explored future forms of living.

    Some dreams truly *ARE* blue sky dreams, and always will be that way because they are NOT achievable. For instance, I can't build my own hovercraft that will take me up to Venus so I can shoot at fish in a barrel with all the women who come from there because we set a perfected tribe of women up there. You know?

    Or the dream I have of our nation getting off of their collective butts and voting for leaders who present TRUE change (such as Ron Paul) also isn't going to happen, because people are too lazy.

    Some dreams are fantastical, but take centuries to even make reality. Read some of Jules Verne or study da Vinci. And some of those things simply won't happen. Just because something is a dream doesn't necessarily mean it is achievable. Those dang scientific laws of the universe! :)

    Calculated risks would be what you do if you're smart and want to make a dream a reality without it flopping face-first. So it's not dreaming, it's actually taking action on those dreams.

    So we do what we can, right here, right now. We don't all grow up to be astronauts. We make a *calculated risk* as to how far we want to go with our dreams, and then go for them or not.