It's never easy...
So I was lucky enough *cracks a smirk* to be able to experience a Swiss holiday called, "fasnacht". Let me explain this first, fasnacht is like mardi gras and Halloween thrown together in a blender and then add everclear & tequila with a bit of coke. (the none liquid kind)
So while your trying to imagine "pink elephants on ice skates with purple spotted rain suits," because that's probably the visual you would get.., I'll explain further what these people do.
Here's the checklist:
- Stay Awake: They start on Friday night and stay awake until the following Wednesday morning. Only taking sleep while in-between switching the tap that they fixed on the 1.75 L of Vodka they are sipping out of with a straw. (literally I saw this)
- Dress like a person from a mental ward: Anything and everything you could think of is tried. I saw someone dress up as a stoplight, yeah an actual 8 foot tall stop light?? And I saw the biggest f***ing rabbit in my entire life, the guy was probably 7 feet tall and easily 300 pounds. I asked him if he liked carrots (in German) and he didn't give me a nice look, so I left abruptly. haha.
- Drink as much as humanly possible: By enough I mean try and beat Tara Reid on her birthday, not going to happen...
- Dance if you can: By dance if you can I mean, try to stay stand up and wiggle while being packed into a bar like sardines. I see now why they do this as you have no choice but to all hold each other up, because no one person has enough coordination left to stand alone. This means the hot looking girl next to you as well. Bonus, except for the fact you can be sure she puked 3 times already, but whatever she still thinks your hot..
- Listen to Kukamusic (Butchered that spelling for sure): This "special" kind of music sounds like this. High school band, minus the wind instruments, gone wrong meets some dude who randomly beats on a piece of hollow wood for 12 hours straight. Yeah I know, it's horrible, and only the sound of someone who is slurring words like he just was in a car accident seems to like it. All the better right?
Sounds fun right? The most important part of this fasnacht though is this: Take the entire rest of the week off and sleep. (I didn't) Because it will possibly kill you at work.
And they do this why? Well it originally started because they believed they could 'scare' the cold/winter away. (The silly reasons us humans think of to drink eh?)
So, why am I telling you about a crazy holiday but yet named the topic "it's never easy..."? Well that's simple, because I wanted to talk about how the good things in life are not easy and don't come easy and you need to work for them. *screwed up way to talk about it, I know* But stick with me.
So you just had a long weekend because you were out being awesome and now Monday comes around. You have work to do, practice, weightlifting, running, appointments to go to, people who need you and your time, etc. And then comes that moment when you have to make a choice, one that is never easy.
Do I help someone? Do I go to the gym?
Well you feel like shit, and would rather sleep, the taste of liquor might still be overpowering the toothpaste you just stuck in your mouth and I mean you can just miss it and go home and make it up next week right?
Wrong, you need to go. And you need to go for a few reasons. Mainly because it's something you need and it's something you want, but depending on how you answer this question 'yes or no' will explain to you how bad you actually want it.
Yes it will suck, yes it probably won't be fun, yes those weights are going to kick your ass, but how good will you feel after? And it's in that moment that you get paid off handsomely for gutting it out, because you gain the most out of the things that are the hardest to do.
Always push through, why not? Be awesome and do it! You can move mountains if you want to and these things will be the most gratifying in the end anyways, believe me. You'll thank yourself later.
So remember the good things are never easy. (and the easy things are rarely good) :P
Be back with more awesomeness later, wooohooo!
Posted in: Boundaries, drinking, limits, party on Wednesday, March 4, 2009 at at 10:53 AM
Better get some Gatorade and vitamin water, SON!
McDonald's must be making a killing selling $12 hamburgers to the drunk masses in need of food to soak up the booze.
Haha, for sure McDonalds made a killing this weekend during fasnacht.. haha.
will have to show some other pics. :P
"You get the most out of the things that are the hardest to do." That's is absolutely true. The sense of achievement that comes from having pushed through is monumental. The doing might be difficult, but the fact that you did it anyway is huge. It makes you a superstar.
Try for something really hard and be proud of yourself. That's what I think. :)