My love/hate relationship #2
Girls… unbelievable
Girls are definitely on every guys love/hate list. I know I am speaking for my fellow suckers, err… umm guys.. when I say that girls, at any given moment, can switch from our love to hate list faster than we can think dirty thoughts when we see girls in bikini’s tanning on the beach. (and yes that’s fast..)
The female sex can get us guys to do stupid things we wouldn’t normally find ourselves doing, EVER. You know that guy who is buying tampons at 10pm at night and trying to look nonchalant about it. Or that guy in the other checkout lane who is buying marshmallows, a pink teddy bear, tiny pickles, graham crackers and a half a pint of rocky road ice cream all because his girl is pregnant and in a bad mood. Man can girls get us to do anything. *shakes head* (Because you know damn well he didn’t get a craving to dip pickles in ice cream with graham cracker crumbs on top.)
*Yes yuck*
And girls suck because all guys need them. I mean, what guy isn’t a ‘sucker’ for a great girl or the right girl? *raises hand* Guys want to be taken care of by a girl; we can’t always walk around and be macho and tough all the time. Walking around in a p3nis swinging contest gets tiring after awhile.. (don’t laugh you know it’s true) ..and having the comfort of a girl cuddle up next to you or *gasp* you have one that’s cool enough to make you dinner, life is grand. Because we all know the fast way to a guy’s heart is through his stomach. (I actually never understood the validity of that statement until a few years ago.. and man does a good meal make me happy, any guy second that?)
Can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em, and the older I get the more this rings true.
Damn you girls… and your super powers that seemingly are better than ours. Because all guys possess a heckavu a lot of awesomeness upon being born, haha.
You know what, I think one of these days I am going to invent something which lets us guys handle our never ending, ongoing battle which is known as the ‘love/hate girl relationship’ and then I will make millions… just wait it’s coming. Muwahaha!! *evil grin*
One last thing to show how powerful women are. You know it only takes 8.2 seconds for a man to possibly fall in love with a woman upon first meeting them?? (I told you we love them... damn it) Check it out --->
Ohh yeah… T.G.I.F.!!!
Posted in: awesomeness, girls, guys, hate, limits, love, powerful, relationship, women on Friday, March 27, 2009 at at 9:04 AM
Women are going to be the way they are. If you learn to accept that, embrace that, and be patient with it, then they are the most beautiful entities on the planet.
It's funny too, how one could talk all that "player for life" shit, and one girl comes about that's worth something and BAM. Finished. I'm learning that the hard way lol.
I am a girl and I approve this message!!!!!
Completely agree once again A.I.
I love the way they are and I wouldn't want to change a thing about them. But I rather wanted to state that they can drive you to the end of the earth and then bring right back and have you loving them like there is and never will be another girl.
The part about women being beautiful, times that by 2.
Congrats on learning the hard way, I know it will be worth it. Then you will have a mrs. A.I., damn that means baby A.I.'s too.. shjt.. haha..
That *wham bam* thing has to happen to girls too with men right??
(looks at Nicki and stares..)
"That *wham bam* thing has to happen to girls too with men right??
(looks at Nicki and stares..)"
LMAO. Yes it does. Men have gotten me to do stupid things... Once I finally decide to let u in, I am hypnotized. I love you guys!
Haha.. so all we need to do is get 'just the tip' and then you're done for?
"Haha.. so all we need to do is get 'just the tip' and then you're done for? "
You are a mess! Shoot it's over once you get the tip in anyway. U guys never stop.
Haha.. nah you think so? I mean we wouldnt even get that far if you didnt let us.. :P
Wow a man admitting that women drive him gaga...I love this. And, Thanks for the article, now I will be looking out for how long a guy looks into my eyes.
@ Cuzzo : Haha... so if he looks into your eyes for 8.2 seconds or more you know you got him hooked. :)
Yeah I can admit that you women make me go nuts in a good way.. *wink wink*