Searching for a meaning...
What is the point? To be more specific, why are we doing whatever it is that we do? Are we trying to achieve some goal or are we simply content with what we are doing now? ..Or are we completely unsure?
People have midlife crises and start wondering what their life is all about and what is/was their goal this whole time. Or was there one at all besides get old, get married and have a few kids along the way? I have met far too many people in my life that seem to not have one. Not really have something they are striving for, but more just moving along.
I mean don't get me wrong, I live 100% in the moment, but I have a goal. I know where it is that I want to get to, and I know what I have to do to get there. But at the same time if you plan or live too much for in the future you let here and now fly by without really 'living' each and every day and that's probably not what you want to do either.
So what I really want to get at is what is your goal? And if you can't answer that or you don't really know you should take some time to sit down and figure it out. Take a timeout sometime and really be a bit 'selfish' and try and discover just what exactly you want to do with your life. And after you have sat down and figured out that goal I want you to do one more thing. FORGET IT! Now before you think I am crazy just listen. I want you to forget it and make it higher. For example if you want to be a manager of some company, why not up the goal to CEO? Or better yet, one day try and own that company or start your own. Just try and shoot a bit higher than you even think you are capable of. You will thank yourself later for doing this. So literally shoot for the stars.
This goal has to be something that isn't easily attainable either. It has to be a 'dream goal', and most crazy cool people that live awesome lives started out with these high dreams. And all they did was reach them. And now that they have reached them they have some of the most fulfilling lives in the world. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Bill Joy, 'your name'... be the next guy/girl to reach a crazy goal or exceed it.
I mean really.... "Why not?"
Posted in: abstract, Boundaries, challenge, crazy, decision, impossible, improvements, random thought on Saturday, April 25, 2009 at at 9:07 PM
You know where you want to get to? You should tell me more about that sometime... ;)
I know where I'm going now too. Sometimes these things just seem to get clearer.
I definitely agree that you should find your goal and then aim higher. Shoot for the moon and you'll land among the stars...
But don't forget about today, because what is life but a series of interconnected moments? Enjoy the one you're in, that's the main thing. :)
Yeah I know where I want to go. Hasn't that been discussed? :P
I always live in the moment and try to enjoy every piece of it, I don't think there is any other way to live than that. :) However a little planning from time to time to make sure you are still on the right track is good as well.