Friend Dynamic

So sorry guys, I have been traveling from Europe to the states over the past 5 days and will be on the go for the next 2 weeks as well.. (too much awesomeness, haha) But I will try and get on here to write a bit about whats going on and how cool it is. :) (The trip is from Minnesota to New York and hitting every cool city in-between)

So I wanted to write about the friend dynamic. I got 3 buddies from Switzerland with me on this trip combined with some local friends and it's great! It's amazing how new people that don't know each other nor speak the same language all too well can get along so seemlessly just because they have a common friend. It's really cool to know how much trust your friends have in you, because they trust your judgement in people so much, that your friends that they don't know previously, instantly become their friends as well.

The power of networking at it's finest. Bringing the world together a few people at a time. :)

Friends are also awesome because you realize how much you can lean and count on them for anything. You don't have an extra 10 bucks for a slurpie and funyans late at night, they got you covered. You are feeling like shjt and are not sure you can make it to the game tonight, so they change the plans and do something that will allow you to come and just postpone the plans you had for another night. Friends like this are great and they have your back no matter what, but at the same time they are the first ones to hit you on the head when you need it. (I have been hit like 4 times on this current trip so far..) haha...

Friends make life simplier. It shouldn't be a chore to have your friends, you don't need to be a babysitter for real friends, they don't want that anyways. They should be there to make it better, they are like enhancement pills for the daily life that you call your own. Sidekicks at times, and leading you up the stairs and tucking you in at other times. Either way they make it more simple for you, and both parties are getting enjoyment. (most the time.. :P)

A few things you need to have when it comes to friends are trust, this is paramount to anything else you have with your friends because this becomes the basis for all relationships and how far they will go. You also need to be able to be generally happy with one another. Good times shouldn't be something that are few and far between in occurances. Enjoying each others company should be something that you don't have to think about. And when you get a group of guys are girls that falls into this.. thats something special. And don't ever lose these people, because you will need them as much as they need you through life.

Have a good Wednesday guys.. just some random thoughts, hope to bring you more soon...



  1. Friends R Great!

    Enjoy your trip and be safe. ;)

  2. I agree, friends are great, and you're one of the best. ;)

  3. Love it! It's great seeing all of you again - just tell them to stop throwing my Amex card back at my face when I try to pay for something. :P

    You know when you've found true friends when Turtle told me what he did yesterday... when you were -- *ahem* incapacitated -- I'll tell ya later!

  4. @ nicki : Thanks babe.. I will for sure enjoy myself. :) Will try and get you some doses of awesomeness though.

    @ Steph : thank, ditto.

    @ Gust : let me know... I am all ears.. :P :P

  5. "You don't have an extra 10 bucks for a slurpie and funyans late at night,"

    where in the world does a slurpie and funyuns cost $10??? wherever that is...stop shopping there, you're paying too much.

  6. slurpie with liquor... haha