Just do it
..I mean why not? I know this saying is cliche, and marketed the shjt out of by Nike already, but it has such a powerful meaning behind it. If you want, you can even play with the words a bit and change it if you don't like Nike's way, like "challenge the limits" which was coined by a Swiss oil company I worked for..Either way there really isn't a slogan like it that has so much meaning and can be related to so many things, in so few words...
[We need to just do it and I'll tell you why in a minute.]
...So I am currently going for total world domination right now (takes awhile) so while that is marinating I am learning a few other "hard things" first. Like I am currently starting to run a lot to build up stamina to compete in a marathon, which is something I have never done before. Ok ok.. compete sounds a bit hard, like I think I could actually win or something, because that's actually not the point. I am realistically just hoping to fall over the finish line after 26 some odd miles (42 km) without collapsing from utter exhaustion before that. You might be laughing but give me a break I am kinda a fat kid at heart.
And doing this training is hard, like trying to beat Zelda on original Nintendo hard, or trying to get Dominoes pizza to deliver at 4.30am in the morning because you all of a sudden need food for your drinking team.
Personally I like challenges, like trying to drink 'Extra Strength Nyquil' before reading a book in bed... (try this, I bet you don't get past page 1) or trying to pass Calculus 4 in college, that's not even hard but impossible..
A lot of people take the easy road, because the fear of falling down is so overwhelming to them that they never challenge the limits or push themselves outside of their comfort zones. You can't be afraid of falling down, I mean it's better to have fallen down then to never have fallen at all...right?
Put it like this, Life is a contact sport not a spectator sport. So there will be times where you disagree with the ref, there will be times when you need to work together to achieve a goal. You will have your fair share of wins and losses, but at the end of the day you're still having fun and you do it for the love of the game. So go out and love the game.
I mean it's impossible to reach your potential if you never challenge yourself..
And you know what, it gets better the more you challenge yourself. The power of your mind and the drive that you have is enough to propel you through anything. I mean after you complete something that's hard, you try something that's even harder after that... and the rewards keep getting bigger and better the harder something is. (It's like training for a marathon, I keep building up my tolerance and eventually I reach my goal, complete Awesomeness!)
So go out and challenge your limits, think of something right now that you think is unachievable. Then just do it, and come back here and proclaim how awesome you are!
I am waiting..
Posted in: awesomeness, challenge, impossible, potential on Friday, February 27, 2009 at at 2:43 PM
I wish you well with your marathon endeavor! Marathons are difficult. Even I (Mr. Long Distance runner and skier) has not done a marathon. Half-marathon - check. Stair running races to the tops of the tallest skyscrapers in the Twin Cities - check. Ultra marathon as part of a team - check. Marathon by myself- _____.
Don't let that leg cramp up! Just do it...
Seriously though, "just do it" is a good phrase to an extent. However, it still helps to have a roadmap. I wouldn't advise someone to just do something without proper training ("don't try this at home") and proper planning. Those are paramount to some level of success at any endeavor you partake in.
Challenge your limits -- but do it within reason. Don't be "aggressively stupid"!
LMAO.. agressively stupid like some of the european drivers I have encountered during my travels.
Without pointing fingers, cough *Italy* cough.
Hmm. I have scanned through this section of the blog(and the ones below) and felt the urge to comment here. I love the 'agreesively stupid' comment! I may have a feeling you might be one who wont listen to the body when it speaks up, which might lean towards being agressivly not smart ;) Well, when it comes to marathon running, and I ran one, you need to perk those ears and tune in. If your body says take a break, do it! You wont get very far in the 26.2miles if your training is too much pushing. Remember, training also includes resting, not just seeing how far/fast you can run or how much you can bench press.
dude...let's transform into a tank and a fighter jet, fuse together, and take over a small country lol.
your line of thinking is pretty great. showing and proving. A marathon is pretty hardcore.
My salsa teacher and I are supposed to be doing a triathlon. But I have the swimming skills of a number 2 pencil. Might be a problem lol.
I never saw this comment till now. :P We could definitely do that.. I am all for it.
yea a triathlon would just about kill me.. holy crap, can't believe you are even talking about that. Your awesome!