Dumb or meaningless slogans
Seriously.. I was chilling around being awesome (if you know me laugh) and I was thinking about all the crazy slogans companies have and seemingly put millions of marketing dollars into. It's like the more meaningless and utterly vague it is the better it gets. Here let me make a quick list of these beauties..
..then you be the judge if they are stupid or not?
United Airlines, "Rising" (used to be an old slogan of theirs) Really?? You couldn't think of a better slogan than that, I mean I guess it's better than "Falling" right? This slogan makes me think wtf is rising anyways... hmm, maybe they have hot stewardesses, that would create a rise.
H&R Block, "You got people", I got people? What do you mean I got people, I mean this company is supposed to be good at accuracy right, so this slogan is a bit misleading because I have no idea who these people are? How old are they? Are they kids, do I have to take care of them? Well at least I 'got' something...
Nike, "Just do it" this slogan is great! I mean I have no idea what I am doing nor do the people that thought it up, but it sounds cool. And it makes me want to do it.. whatever 'it' is.. I actually like this one because it makes you think...
McDonald's, "We love to see you smile" Well dude, if that's all you want then I guess I will just walk into a local McDonald's and smile at the cashier while I twittle my thumbs, then walk out. Glad I made your day.. Or how about their new one "I'm Loving It", what are you loving exactly? The fact that your food makes me vomit after eating it and only on really drunk occasions I actually stumble in there? Or it could be the diarrhea it hits you with..
"Obey your thirst", .. or what I might get dehydrated and pass out? This slogan doesn't really make me want to buy their product. It's not like I have conversations with my thirst and I actually have to listen to it, in fact sometimes I actually do 'obey' my thirst too well, especially in those drunken years known as college... (Think of a better one Sprite)
And to finish this completely random rant, I leave you with this one:
Captain Morgen, "Got a little captain in you? Drink Responsibly" Duuuuude, seriously! If I am taking orders from a cartoon character telling me to drink responsibly, I must be already in a drunken stupor. And their ads with people walking around like a lost puppy looking like they are going to pee on a fire hydrant are stupid at best... Well at least they kept my attention long enough to not turn the channel...
And just because we are talking about advertising, in lieu of the crisis, we should change some of these corporate companies logos. So I looked around the Internet and found these... Enjoy your awesome Friday!

Posted in: advertisement, joke on Friday, February 27, 2009 at at 4:45 PM
"Rising"? Really? Haha, dude, there is a reason why United Airlines is sometimes known as 'Untied Airlines'. ;) Falling would be more appropriate.
thought you would like that... :P Hopefully I made your Friday a bit better..
"United (with your creator) Airlines"!
The Sprite one is really dumb -- the last thing you should be doing if you're thirsty is drinking pop! I do like their competitor's slogan: "Make 7-Up Yours" LMAO
Duuuuuuude, you didn't even mention McDonald's worst one: "Did somebody say McDonald's?" Nope. I did not say McDonald's.
You put a picture of Apple, and I like their rarely-used slogan: "Take a byte out of Apple" (This has so many different meanings - teehee!). They also have "Think Different" which was pretty cool as well - the ad campaign for this one involved visionary people who changed the world in some way by thinking differently. Pretty profound, and more subtle than Nike's "Just Do It" slogan.