Friends don't let friends fly 'Continental'
Talk about the worst service you could possible get, service as in getting me to my destination at the time I am supposed to get there. I mean I am lucky to even be there in the same day let alone have my luggage make it, which it didn't. No worries though I have lost my luggage at the airport, err umm correction, the airline(s) (trying to not place blame on only Continental but they are the most recent to screw up and probably the worst so far) have lost my luggage for the 3rd or 4th time in the last year.
Not to mention I got re-routed 3 times just to make it back home, and the whole all out olympic style sprint across the London-Heathow airport is always my idea of a good time. Can you say 'sweaty as a son-of-a-bitch' wow.. The lady was like "no need to run you have time..." and no more then 5 seconds after she said that, the door closed behind me.... haha, yeah right lady plenty of time.
I can't blame everything on Continental though, I mean some of the blame has to go to the Newark airport which could be the worst and slowest airport I have ever seen.. I mean there is not one single frickin clock in that entire building, not one?? And it seems as though people there are accustomed to everything running as fast as molasses in the winter in MN. And I say that because everyone was so happy, I couldn't believe how nice they were for being such a crappy airport as far as timeliness goes. BTW, he whole 'pull me off to the side and feel my up and down while looking for something illegal is great' I think that happens to me every other time I fly, does anyone else have this kind of luck?
Lesson learned, pay the extra $100-200 dollars and get on with someone who is reliable.
Posted in: airlines, airports, friends, late, traveling on Wednesday, February 25, 2009 at at 8:13 AM
Here's a great reqson to not fly Continental:
If I could dream up one story which was indicative of the many problems of contemporary American life, this story would be it. Nobody did anything. I can tell you what I would've done in this situation: I would've opened up the emergency door, slid down the inflatable slide, taken a breath of fresh air, and thanked God I have a temperament that is increasingly dying in American life: the temperament of not taking crap. It is not in the realm of the debatable that I would not take that crap. People are cowed into submission because they are afraid of lawsuits. What happened to the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave? I would gladly be the poster child to represent the right attitude.
Common sense is dead, and the trial bar is reigning. I am not mad at lawyers, they are just the hitmen hired by Americans to air grievances. Someone acted as a disinterested bureaucrat following regulations instead of caring for their fellow man.
Continental has said they have apologized. I find that ridiculous -- it means nothing. I want some action to be taken. "Apologizing" means nothing. The airline blames the airport, the airport blames the airline, and someone is obviously lying.