Why not be gay?
Ok, ok, the title isn't the best, but at least it got you to read this far.. haha, sucker.
No but to be serious for half a second, have you ever thought about being gay? Has this thought ever trickled into your mind or have you ever had a tiny urge to try? Watch, talk about it, whatever?

I got to hand it to them, first of all it's not that easy to come out of the closet in today's society where it's not particularly easy to do so. Not everyone is a gay lover and there are still quite a few gay-haters (making up words now) that are out there. I tip my hat to them, because not only do they have to come to grips with something that is not socially excepted, at least not right away and then on top of it they don't have as many potentional suitors to chose from. But even after all the adversity they tend to be cool dudes.
As was recently explained to me, "Gay guys have the best of both worlds, they are caring like a women but yet chilled out like a guy..." And after hearing this I couldn't help but not my head in total agreeance. I mean being gay is a pretty good mix of the desired traits from either sex. Cleaner, more dependable than most straight males, whether that is with actually cleaning or personal hygene, I believe in my experience it holds true. And yet they still have that respect and caring that normal so desire from women. Not a bad combo.
This blog isn't really about my lust to start batting for the other team but rather a simple observation about the switch-hitters of the world. Kudo's to them for going against the grain of society and being happy. I mean I don't have statistics in front of me, but I would be willing to guess that gay couples having lower divorce rates then heterosexual couples.That in itself says something.
Alright, enough of the random gay rant, but I just wanted to give a shout out to the "switch-hitters" of the world, keep on rockin it.
Next batter please...
Posted in: awesomeness, challenge, different, gay, happiness, heterosexual, homosexual, question, why on Thursday, November 19, 2009 at at 4:09 PM
Everyone should be free to love who they please. Gay, straight, bi, polyamorous, whatever. The important word is 'love' and the world needs more of that. :)
Personally, I don't think it matters which team anyone bats for, the important thing is just the person you are, which doesn't change due to gender or personal preferences. Just be happy and strive to be a good human.
Your experience with gay guys is clearly different than mine. Most of the ones I have met seems to be rather feminine, and not usually interested in the things that I or my friends are. The ones I have known have had more explosive drama in their lives than traditional couples I know. I'm certainly not playing on stereotypes either, this is what I have witnessed.
Scientific studies have shown that the formation of the male gay brain closely matches the brain formation of the straight female, which seems to coincide with what I have witnessed.
That's just my experience. To each, his own. But, laid-back down-to-earth people are awesome, and chances are that if you're laid back I'll probably like you regardless of your activities in the bedroom.
So what you are really saying is: Girls have explosive drama?