Idiot of the year
Here is a quick compilation of idiots, just for your viewing pleasure.
I don't want to talk about this too much, but a friend of mine brought to my attention, this very crazy tattoo. And I don't know if I laughed more at the tattoo or how dumb the girl was that got it? I guess you can be the judge? (on the left, I think this monkey eats bananas)
And if that wasn't enough, look at this genius. I don't know how nor do I care much, but I know that this can't be healthy? And it can't feel good can it? wtf? Definitely another candidate for idiot of the year. Please can I tattoo my eye? (look below on the right) 

And just for your viewing pleasure to make you squirm in your seats a bit. I know I did when I saw this pic. Discalimer: never play with a fire cracker, I know we were all taught this at a young age, but I guess some people don't really listen? And most certainly, never play with one and put it in your ass... (I just started laughing while writing that.. haha) moron.. (Check out below.)

So who wins out of these 3 candidates? You pick?
Posted in: dumb, laugh, sick, stupid on Friday, June 12, 2009 at at 9:25 AM
Erm, thanks for that, Bamer. I am now am now desperately thinking happy thoughts of dasies, puppies and Brad Pitt in order to get those images out of my head so I can sleep without nightmares. :P
Although, the blue eye... very avant garde.
Also have apparently lost my ability to spell and form sentences. Late night torture. ;)
Wow. Umm jeez I'm almost speechless. As weird as the whole thing is, that monkey tattoo really, really looks like a monkey. I'm not sure I'll ever look at monkeys or vaginas for that matter, in the same way again.
I would give the award of stupidity to firecracker ass. The other 2 are attempts at artistic expression or individuality in someway or another and while I wouldn't do what they've done, I'm not sure I'd call them stupid for doing it.
My answer will have to be reevaluated if you tell me that firecracker ass did that as a form of artistic expression.... my ass is my canvas.......
@ Jin :LMAO... hahahaha, I love the response. I am not sure what he was thinking or not thinking? lol
I think the #1 is quite dumb. I mean come on, tattoo your vag*** with a monkey on it? She had to have done that to show it off, no? And I was looking at it again, go figure, and I can't tell where the actual 'lips' stop and the monkey painted mouth begins? I am confused.. haha..
looks like another episode of Jackass
With the butt cracker guy? yeah I agree...
its not real, get over it !!!! :) except maybe the last one, cuz i can see some people doing that 4 sure. i guess ur ass is ur canvas to say the least.... so whatever.
I think it's real.. people do crazy crap...