Break in Technology
Finally back after an extended vacation where I got to hang out with the coolest guy in the world.... my dad.
Posted in: fun, men, old people, smiling, women on Monday, August 24, 2009 at at 2:34 PM 4 comments
Finally back after an extended vacation where I got to hang out with the coolest guy in the world.... my dad.
Posted in: fun, men, old people, smiling, women on Monday, August 24, 2009 at at 2:34 PM 4 comments
It’s 1988, you are still just a little tyke and you are walking around wearing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle underwear and superman T-shirts covered in ketchup stains. You are sitting in the sandbox playing with your Tonka truck, big yellow style bulldozing toys. Thinking about digging your way to China crosses your mind a few times, but at this age it’s not China, it’s your grandma’s house as you don’t know much else. You start to make noises in your head and mimic the sounds that you think the trucks are supposed to make, it comes out of your mouth in changing pitches of “brrrmmm” and “pshhh” as you push the toy back and forth and make them crash into each other. You have this whole imaginary world going on in your head where everything makes sense, and if it doesn’t who cares, you just assign some imaginary thing to whatever it is that you don’t understand and go along playing some more.
Life is great, life is easy, life is, as explained by Forrest Gump, “Like a box of chocolates, you never know what yer gunna get..” But at this age it doesn’t matter what you get because you are happy with it. And if you don’t have something you want you just make it up in your head with your imagination and go from there. Simple. Easy. Imaginative.
Where does this skill of being imaginative go when we get older? Where does the feeling of being able to be happy with whatever it is that someone sets in front of you go? We seem to lose it, but why?
Is it because we get older and reality hits us? Because we have bills to pay and work to do and the strain of everyday life or everyday realisms hit us like a ton of bricks? We possibly start to trick ourselves that only things that are monetary can bring us happiness. We need to buy this motorcycle or this car to be happy. The trip to the Maldives is the only ways that I would be able to get some relief from everyday life, etc. Why is that, why do we get into this type of rut?
Posted in: imagination, just do it, random thought, thinking on Wednesday, August 5, 2009 at at 10:51 AM 7 comments